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On 17.08.2011 19:51, Paul Flewers wrote:

I think that this point about the obligation upon the public to help
quell a riot is very significant, as if you are a witness to a riot
and, whilst not actually looting or throwing things at the Old Bill,
do not try to prevent disorder -- that is, you just stand there
looking at the events -- you are nonetheless actually under law
considered as a rioter, and liable to arrest and prosecution. The
British state rules out neutrality here!

My friend told me whilst the riots were still in progress that he had
been told that the judiciary had been 'told' to come down very heavily
upon those involved. This has certainly been the case.

As far as I'm aware the riot act was not read at any of the incidents of disorder and senior police and government ministers have been very careful not to describe any of the incidents as a riot. This is possibly because there are profound financial consequences if an incident is described as a riot - specifically, the government - not the insurance companies - has to pick up the tab for all damage, even for premises that weren't insured.

Einde O'Callaghan

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