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What a financial tailspin may mean for you and me

By Ann Pettifor

"This crisis is already sharpening the divide between left and right in both 
the EU and the United States. Studying a precedent – the implosion of the 1920s 
credit bubble in 1929 – we note that four years after that crisis erupted, the 
political divide sharpened decisively. The United States and Britain moved to 
the left. Germany chose a different path. After 1930, Germany's Centre party 
under Chancellor Brüning adopted austerity policies that resulted in cuts in 
welfare benefits and wages, while credit was tightened. At the same time the 
German government engaged in wildly excessive borrowing from the liberalised 
international capital markets. The ground was laid for the rise of fascism."


Ismail Lagardien

Nihil humani a me alienum puto
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