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Below are two accounts derived and translated from the social network n-1; the collaborative network used by the Spanish Indignados movement. One is an account from "samuel" a compañero on my Facebook list of what he experienced during the demonstration in Madrid on August 18 during the Pope's visit (more information about this movement is available at http://acampadagranada.org/).The second is a statement shared on n-1 from the Madrid Union of Journalist (available at http://www.sindicato-periodistas.es/enaccion_ver.php?id=638): From Samuel:Why Do You Hit Us? Everything was going well in this peaceful and secular demonstration. At 19.30 (7:30 pm) people gathered in the Plaza de Tirso de Molina, which was packed, many older people, children, and of course young people who do not identify with the # WYD [Catholic Youth]. There were so many people that it was difficult to march forward. The slogans, were especially directed against the use of public money for the Pope's visit. We walked down the streets, the first part of the march ended at the Plaza de Sol to return back to Tirso, that was the plan, which was allowed, the demonstration was legally permitted. It was a real party, a festive mood and especially at the arrival "our house", the Plaza de Sol. Chants, dances, batucada drumming, everyone happy without knowing that the police surrounded us. When the march was about to continue our journey back to the Tirso, the police charged in by one of the exits to the square without any apparent reason. People ran, scared, not knowing what was happening (as I said older people, children, all). Once we calmed down we became aware that there were many, many police, protected and armed with batons and guns with rubber bullets. We tried to continue but we were cut off, even so we tried to continue our journey for which we had permission, but the chaos continued. Most people then decided to leave the square by some of its streets, but the cops had cut of all exits. Suddenly we were "corralled" and rife with uncertainty, not knowing what is happening; why can't we leave the square and continue with what until then was a peaceful and festive demonstration? The "anti-rioters" (interesting name) went into the square with batons hitting all those who crossed them, they did not ask, did not indicate what they wanted us to do, they just assaulted, without asking, without speaking, directing all to one street that was cut off. What do you want? Why are you trying to corner us all (thousands) in the same street that had no exit that they had cut off during their first charge? Why do you hit us? I used to think that these were the dogs of the system , but now I think they are just DOGS. Dogs that just want to hurt us. And I don't get it, I can not understand it. From the Madrid Union of Journalists:Madrid, August 19, 2011 (Communicated by the Executive Board of the SPM). The Madrid Union of Journalists (SPM) expresses its categorical rejection and concern for the actions of some agents of the National Police after the secular manifestation of August 17 and last night (8/18), in the Puerta del Sol in Madrid. In addition to eight detained and 11 wounded, two of the latter, policemen, journalists were detained, insulted and in some cases beaten while carrying out their reporting obligations. The complaints of those killed and images broadcast over the Internet more than justify the Interior Minister, Antonio Camacho, to order an inquiry into what happened and, if necessary, refine the charges that apply. PMS laments the increasingly frequent reports of informants who see their work hampered by some policemen in demonstrations and other events. The Interior Ministry and all institutions have an obligation to provide clear and convincing answers for the right information, which requires them to facilitate the work of journalists to the right can be a reality. Unreasonably limiting the work of journalists is an attack on freedom of the citizens that can not be allowed in a social and democratic state of law as Spain. Manuel ________________________________________________ Send list submissions to: Marxism@greenhouse.economics.utah.edu Set your options at: http://greenhouse.economics.utah.edu/mailman/options/marxism/archive%40mail-archive.com