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What's new at Links: Marqusee on London riots, economy, Bolivia debate,
Cuba, Agent Orange, Marxism, Venezuela CP, Palestine, Syria, Comintern,
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Mike Marqusee: Riots, reason and resistance
By *Mike Marqusee*
August 16, 2011 -- "Criminality pure and simple" was British Prime
Minister David Cameron's initial verdict on the rioting. From the right
came the mantra, "Down with sociology! Up with water cannon!" Don't
think but do act -- harshly, punitively, peremptorily. In the wake of
the riots, a powerful vested interest has been at work -- a vested
interest in people not making links, not searching for causes, not
weighing contexts. Above all, an interest in derailing the growing
resistance to the government's austerity programme.
* Read more <http://links.org.au/node/2458>
Martin Hart-Landsberg: The troubled US economy means a shaky world
economy <http://links.org.au/node/2461>
By *Martin Hart-Landsberg*
August 15, 2011 --- The US economy is in trouble and that means
trouble for the world economy. According to the United Nations
Conference on Trade and Development's /Trade and Development Report,
2010/, "Buoyant consumer demand in the United States was the main driver
of global economic growth for many years in the run-up to the current
global economic crisis."
* Read more <http://links.org.au/node/2461>
Bolivia: How Jeffrey Webber's 'From Rebellion to Reform in Bolivia'
turns reality on its head <http://links.org.au/node/2460>
Review by *Federico Fuentes*
August 19, 2011 -- The Evo Morales government recently celebrated its
2000th day in power in Bolivia -- a feat in its own right for a country
that has had around 180 coups since 1825 -- any serious attempt to
explain the underlying dynamics of this decade long political process
should be welcomed. Combining his academic research and extensive
fieldwork in Bolivia, Jeffrey Webber sets out to do exactly that in
/From Rebellion to Reform in Bolivia/. Unfortunately, the end result
leaves a lot to be desired.
* Read more <http://links.org.au/node/2460>
Cuba: Changes go deep -- democratic reforms
By *José Alejandro RodrÃguez*, Havana
August 17, 2011 -- Apart from some exceptions, the powerful
international media has ignored a recent Cuban parliamentary bill that
would deepen democracy on the island. The reason is obvious: the news is
not convenient. The initiative is made within socialist
institutionalism, not in terms of the "transition" whose staging is
highly anticipated and promoted by certain hegemonic interests in this
* Read more <http://links.org.au/node/2459>
Victims of Agent Orange/dioxin: 'Agent Orange in Vietnam was a crime
against humanity' <http://links.org.au/node/2457>
*Appeal of the Second International Conference of Victims of Agent
Hanoi, Socialist Republic of Vietnam
August 9, 2011 -- The Second International Conference of Victims of
Agent Orange/Dioxin, held in Hanoi from August 8 to 9, 2011, included
participants from around the world: Agent Orange victims, victims of
other toxic chemicals, scientists, lawyers and social activists. The
conference is a significant and important historic event, marking the
50th anniversary of the first spraying of the toxic chemical Agent
Orange (1961-1971) by the US forces in Vietnam and Indochina.
* Read more <http://links.org.au/node/2457>
Marxism has an ecological heart <http://links.org.au/node/2456>
By *Ash Pemberton*
August 13, 2011 -- We all know there's a big problem with the
environment and it needs drastic action to fix it. So does a Marxist
analysis of the problem bring anything new to the table?
* Read more <http://links.org.au/node/2456>
Venezuela: Communist Party backs Hugo Chavez, builds workers'
control movement <http://links.org.au/node/2454>
By *Rachael Boothroyd*, Coro
August 10, 2011 -- On August 7, the Venezuelan Communist Party (PCV)
concluded its 14th congress in Caracas following three days of
discussions. More than 526 national delegates and 43 international
representatives attended the conference, which was convened in
conjunction with the PCV's 74th anniversary.
* Read more <http://links.org.au/node/2454>
Does Palestinian Authority's UN 'statehood' bid endanger Palestinian
rights? <http://links.org.au/node/2453>
By *Ali Abunimah*
August 8, 2011 -- The Palestinian Boycott National Committee (BNC), the
steering group of the international boycott, divestment and sanctions
(BDS) campaign, has issued further guidance in the run up to the
Palestinian Authority's effort to gain UN membership for a "State of
Palestine" in September.
* Read more <http://links.org.au/node/2453>
The Syrian 'common': an uprising of the working society
By *Yassin Al Haj Saleh*
August 14, 2011 -- There is a Promethean dimension to the struggle of
Syria's protesters to wrench politics away from the self-deifying cabal
[who rule] and to attempt to extend politics to all Syrians. The young
Marx, who loved grandiose expressions, described Prometheus as "the most
noble martyr in the philosophical almanac", because he stole the fire
from the Olympian gods and gave it to humans. The gods punished him by
sending the eagles of the Caucuses to tear at his liver forever. Like
Prometheus, the uprising represents the most noble rebellion Syria has
known since its independence 65 years ago. Like Prometheus, the wrath of
the divine cabal is directed against the rebelling multitude. It is
murdered, defamed, called names and insulted by the lowliest forces and
motives in Syria.
* Read more <http://links.org.au/node/2452>
The Comintern's unknown decision on workers' governments
By *John Riddell*
August 14, 2011 -- English-language discussion of the Communist
International's 1922 call for workers' governments has been based on a
preliminary draft that was significantly altered before its adoption.
Below, probably for the first time in English, is the amended text that
the 1922 congress actually adopted.
* Read more <http://links.org.au/node/2451>
Baltic far right attempts to rewrite history
By *Rupen Savoulian*
August 12, 2011 -- Early in August, a major World War II anniversary was
marked in Europe; August 1 was the 67th anniversary of the heroic Warsaw
uprising by the Polish underground resistance movement against Nazi
German occupation forces. I raise this anniversary to highlight the
importance of commemorating the courageous struggles by the peoples
oppressed by the Nazi regime, and to underscore the importance of
historical debate for comprehending the tremendous social forces that
have shaped the world today.
* Read more <http://links.org.au/node/2450>
* * *
Links seeks to promote the international exchange of information,
experience of struggle, theoretical analysis and views of political
strategy and tactics within the international left. It is a forum for
open and constructive dialogue between active socialists coming from
different political traditions. It seeks to bring together those in the
international left who are opposed to neoliberal economic and social
policies. It aims to promote the renewal of the socialist movement in
the wake of the collapse of the bureaucratic model of "actually existing
socialism" in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.
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