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As the mainstream media and sundry commentators don their black arm-bands to mourn the passing of Steve Jobs, let's not forget some other things, as outlined in the article below. I've never had any time for these philanthropic capitalists, salving their conscience and buffing up their image through charitable donations and 'right-on' gestures, whilst denying basic rights to the workers in their or their sub-contractors' employ. Paul F +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 'None of the eulogies for Steve Jobs are likely to have much to say about the people who made his fortune writes Liam Mac Uaid. Apple has pioneered an aggressive anti-union strategy both in the Chinese factories that manufacture its gadgets and the Apple stores that sell them. The company’s story is more one of hyper-exploitation than affable geekery. 'An article in the Financial Times (FT) lifted the lid on just how Steve Jobs’ “readiness to humiliate and embarrass others” keeps Silicon Valley psychologists busy restoring the mental health of his former employees; how he has created a company which drives hyper-exploited workers in Chinese factories to suicide and grinds profits out of the university graduates who work in his shops “counting their blessings to have a job”. 'Just because Jobs and his company make the cutting edge technological status symbols of the 21st century there is no reason they can’t resemble the mill owners of 19th century Manchester.' Read it all at < http://socialistresistance.org/2457/apples-rotten-core >. ________________________________________________ Send list submissions to: Marxism@greenhouse.economics.utah.edu Set your options at: http://greenhouse.economics.utah.edu/mailman/options/marxism/archive%40mail-archive.com