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I've skimmed through his memoirs, Nick, and a more accurate assessment of Alex Mitchell would be that he remains a Healyite, but not necessarily a Marxist/revolutionary socialist. Memoirs are usually written to justify a person's life and actions, and he defends all the worst aspects of Healy and the WRP, including their campaign against Joe Hansen as a CIA agent etc, and Healy's dealings with women in the WRP. But he's cynical about a revolutionary perspective today.

Nick Fredman wrote:
<Alex Mitchell's long career in mainstream journalism in Australia and the UK was punctuated by 14 years <editing the Workers Press, newspaper of Gerry Healy's Workers Revolutionary Party. He seems to uphold <his revolutionary socialist views in a new memoir, <http://cometherevolutionbook.squarespace.com> and <he talks at length on his life and times at <http://www.abc.net.au/rn/latenightlive/stories/2011/3349536.htm>

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