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On Nov 13, 2011, at 2:31 PM, Lenin's Tomb wrote:

On 13/11/2011 19:17, Sean Noonan wrote:
1) Didn't Althusser admit he didn't really understand Capital?

No, not in the least. This is obviously a fourth hand mis- remembering of something that Althusser wrote in his posthumous memoir.

What he wrote, as Angelus has informed us, is that he never even *read* Capital until 1964. Think of it--a "philosopher," an activist in a professedly Marxist party for sixteen years who never bothered to read Marx! And when he got around to it he discovered, like Max Eastman (in every way his moral, theoretical, political, personal, and literary superior) thirty years earlier, that Marx needed to be deHegelianized, dedialecticized. And this is someone who "really understood" Capital? Lenin (the real one) wrote all that needed to be said about this sort of "Marxist": "It is impossible to understand Das Kapital without a thorough grasp of Hegel's *Science of Logic*. As a result, after half a century none of the Marxists have understood Marx." L. Tomb admits that Althusser never read any of the antiStalinist Marxists, not Trotsky, not Marcuse, none of them. He was, in the most literal sense, an ignoramus. And this is someone on whose scribblings we are asked to waste our eyesight?

And L. Tomb also writes: "Yet to simply read the failings of his followers back into Althusser's project would be a travesty as unfair as E P Thompson's execration of the 'Stalinist' Althusser." Admire the scare quotes put around the word "Stalinist!" Althusser merely joined a Stalinist party in 1948 and remained a loyal disciplined member of that gang for almost all the rest of his life. Through the cold war against Yugoslavia; the murder of Mikhoels and the Jewish Antifascist Committee; the Lysenko revolution in the biological sciences; the Rajk frameup; the Slansky frameup; the Kostov frameup; the humiliation of Shostakovich, Prokofiev, and Khachaturian; the incipient pogrom, aborted only with the fortuitous demise of the tyrant, signaled by the "Doctors' Plot;" the June 17 Stalinallee uprising; all the GULAG Archipelago revelations from David Rousset to Solzhenitsyn; the Hungarian Revolution, etc. And for the rest of his life never any self-criticism, any understanding of what in him made him the willing enabler of such a series of monstrous crimes. No, those scare quotes were indeed out of place--Stalinist does describe Althusser's political and mortal nature with total accuracy.

Note that this is not an *ad hominem* argument against anything Althusser may have said, anymore than Heidegger's Nazism is an argument against anything Heidegger may have said. Any arguments worth discussing from either man have undoubtedly been made by others and so should be discussed in their own terms without needing to refer to their more-than-suspect originators.

Shane Mage

> This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but it
> always was and is and shall be: an everlasting fire,
> kindling in measures and going out in measures."
> Herakleitos of Ephesos

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