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Joe Diaz, a prominent activist in Occupy Atlanta and Emory University graduate philosophy student was arrested at his university library two nights ago. The incident was recorded by a friend of Joe's, also an occupier, Meghan Jordan.

Joe has now posted in a blog an explanation of what happened and what he was thinking at the time, the political lessons to be drawn about the militarization of the police, along with a link to the video. That is here: http://dirtseyeview.wordpress.com/

The incident provoked a lively discussion on Occupy Atlanta's open group in facebook, with a spread of views ranging from Joe being at least partly to blame for having failed to immediately hand over his student ID when demanded by Emory University cops to those (like myself) who viewed this as another attack on democratic rights, a completely unprovoked assault and battery that might well have involved not just the random nastiness of increasingly militarized police forces but the mistreatment of Joe as a Latino or even specific targeting of Joe as a reprisal for his political activities.

The broad range of views expressed in that discussion is testimony to the breadth of this movement and the need for Marxists and other radicals to consciously take up developments in the different local Occupy movements and use them to patiently explain our views in such a way as to win people over, not drive them out or provoke deep chasms.

It is rare for radicals to have such a diverse audience genuinely open to hearing points of views like ours. And although numerically this may not be that many people, they generally tend to be leading people in whatever circles they come from, and if we convince them they will convince others. We also have to realize that this will not be instantaneous, but rather uneven. We need to be clear but non-confrontational with others in the movement, avoid demeaning or denigrating language, put aside leftist cliches and lingo, pay close attention to how the discussion is unfolding, and use the common experiences we and other occupiers are going through in the movement to draw the lessons.

We should be personable, persistent, pedagogical and patient.

*  *  *

Joe has not asked for any specific protest or action on his behalf, but replying to another graduate student at Emory on his facebook page he said, "... thanks for the words of support. I'd encourage graduate students to organize on their own and respond in whatever way they can... a range of autonomous action in this situation would be powerful ..." so it's not like he is trying to keep it quiet, quite the contrary.

I would imagine that publicizing the video all over the place but especially among students and sending protest messages to Emory University would not go amiss.

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