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Thanks very much for your helpful and friendly reply! It especially helped
me understand how getting in early on a given instance of technological
innovation allows a capitalist to exploit the difference between the new,
shorter amount of labor time required and the "socially necessary" amount
that in a sense hasn't caught up yet with the implications of the new
technology (this despite the fall in in the price of the given commodity,
which I suppose is outweighed by this advantage).

Capital is definitely a book to change one's worldview. You begin to want
to point out to your friends "but look, let's think about how this stuff
was *actually* made!" and items you once considered unitary (a subway car,
say) begin to dissolve into their components. I guess that is what they
call "demystification." One other thing I would say about it is that
whereas I was once intimidated by the book and felt that I should start
with other works by Marx that seem somehow easier (such as the Economic and
Philosophical Manuscripts), after getting about halfway through Vol 1 of
Capital I would actually reverse course and say that newcomers can really
benefit from starting with that work, because while it's long, its
exposition is manifestly clear and methodical, and because you are able to
understand the phenomena Marx talks about in the early works by virtue of
the systematic understanding he gives you in Capital.

At any rate, thanks again and I'll continue to come to this list with
questions that I will try to make substantive and discussion-worthy. In
terms of aids, I have been watching David Harvey's videotaped lectures
after I read the chapters, which are helpful in terms of refreshing one's
memory. I find myself wondering if those interpretations represent a
specific ideological valence within the field of Marxist interpretation
more generally (as would anyone's personal take), but I'm not sure what
exactly that would be.

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