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I think the early sections are the hardest parts of 'Capital'. Cleaver suggests 
reading the last section first - which is the most concrete - to get an idea 
where its going. 

I wouldn't start with Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts either - the 
Manifesto is the obvious starting point I guess - and maybe the German Ideology 
- to get a feel for the early stuff. I don't think one's the key to the other 
but its where the the 'new world outlook' starts to be formulated. And Marx 
even quotes the 'Manifesto' in Capital - so there's continuity and development.
I enjoyed reading it too - especially after getting a feel for the 'motion' of 
it - and I think it will be easier on second reading - parts of it are 
repetitive I think. 
>I think once Heinrich's book is out in English it might well be regarded as 
>the "definitive" secondary literature, but then again, I'm also something of a 
>partisan of Heinrich's "monetary" reading of Marx's value theory.  Heinrich 
>makes >a very convincing case that money and credit are central to Marx's 
>conception, and not epiphenomena that "conceal" underlying social 
>relationships.  Rather, they **constitute** those social relationships.

Not sure about this guy - but your summary sounds interesting  have put his 
book on order with MR. There are some pretty arcane debates around all this but 
its good to be part of all this re-thinking and re-reading going on. In the end 
we all have to come up with our own understanding of it all.


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