Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

The sentence is present in the English translation of Eden & Cedar Paul:
"At about the date when, in England, people gave up the practice of burning
witches, they began to hang the forgers of banknotes."

Capital, I, trans. by Eden & Cedar Paul, (International Publishers, 1929):
p. 837.


On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 7:49 AM, Joonas Laine <jjo...@nic.fi> wrote:

> ======================================================================
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ======================================================================
> On 02/26/2012 03:36 PM, Angelus Novus wrote:
> > In the German original text, when Marx writes about the historical
> > role of the Bank of England, there is the following passage:
> >
> > "Allmählich wurde sie der unvermeidliche Behälter der Metallschätze
> > des Landes und das Gravitationszentrum des gesamten Handelskredits.
> > Um dieselbe Zeit, wo man in England aufhörte, Hexen zu verbrennen,
> > fing man dort an, Banknotenfälscher zu hängen."
> [...]
> > The second sentence is **missing from both English translations**.
> > It means: "In England, at the same time that the burning of witches
> > ceased, counterfeiters of bank notes were starting to be hanged."
> [...]
> > Does anybody know what the story is as to why this passage is missing
> > from **both** English translations?  Can you all confirm its absence
> > or presence in other languages?
> In the Finnish translation it's there:
> "Samaan aikaan kun Englannissa lakattiin polttamasta noita-akkoja,
> siellä alettiin hirttää setelinväärentäjiä". (p. 675-676)
> --
> jjonas @ nic.fi
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