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Patrick Bond <pb...@mail.ngo.za> wrote:

> But the other old question is what happens to that kind of radical 
> spirit over the years - now nearly three decades later, did Bowles have 
> revolutionary visions beaten out of him? What I've seen of his work, 
> including here in SA, hasn't had that kind of sting.

I don't know, but Bowles and Gintis have recently re-released the classic 
Schooling in Capitalist America. That's available through Haymarket 
<http://www.haymarketbooks.org/pb/Schooling-in-Capitalist-America> along with 
the mentioned Education and Capitalism 

As I've accidentally ended up in the "education studies" corner of academia and 
am still getting my head around Marxist approaches the other day I was about to 
order both before I saw the hefty shipping price to Australia (this anyway is 
for possible future reference because in a reflection of Bowles' points as a 
grant funded researcher I have to follow the line rather than write what I 
actually think). I might have to lobby Resistance Books here to distribute.

By the way great to see Haymarket has a substantial kids and parents section 

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