Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Google has its good points.  Now and then  I find on it something of mine, or 
relating to me and others I've known in the past.  I am not an 
inveterate/constant letter writer -- but  try, at least, to write carefully and 
selectively and with maximum effectiveness.  Here is one of several KKK letters 
I wrote during our Northeastern North Carolina Black Belt campaign in the 
mid-60s.  The Alabama-based United Klans of America was at that time extremely 
strong in North Carolina. By the State's estimate -- there were maybe 20,000 in 
1964 / 65.

Along with other smaller hate groups, United Klans was a deadly adversary of 
ours.  In those days, I received a great many death threats.  Even the laggard 
and usually hostile FBI was sufficiently concerned to send a young agent to our 
home in Raleigh early in 1965 with a warning that the UKA in Bessemer Alabama 
(near Birmingham) and that in Wake County, NC [Raleigh] were involved in a plot 
to bomb our house. He said the Feds could do nothing in the situation and 
nodded approvingly when I showed him my .38 Special Smith and Wesson revolver.  
We lived in an all-Black neighborhood on the very edge of Raleigh.  I advised 
our heavily armed neighbors who always watched our home when I was gone for 
various periods of time up in the Black Belt area. I could get back home only 
intermittedly.  Maria was barely three, if that -- and Eldri was pregnant with 
John.  In the end, that Klan plot fizzled.

http://web.co.wake.nc.us/lee/vf/kkk/19650201lwua/19650201lwua.pdf (One of my 
letters calling for state action against the KKK in North Carolina. Just found 
on Google!)

Here is a link to a United Klan leaflet from our campaign in Halifax County, 
NC. It's one of a number during that period.  Held at night in a field, several 
of us secretly watched it from a grove of pines.  Had no problem seeing and 
listening to it since it was lighted and broadcast to the conclave of many 
hundreds via a generator on the back of a flatbed truck.  Three huge burning 

>From our Lair of Hunterbear website:

 I've been an organizer all of my life and I always will be one -- and you have 
to be tough, damn tough, to be a really effective organizer.   Here, quoted by 
Attorney David Kopel  [formerly an assistant district attorney in Manhattan and 
 an  active civil libertarian] in his essay, "Trust the People," is a part of 
the critically important legacy given by Frank Dolphin to me. 
"In the 1950s and 1960s, a new civil rights movement began in the South. White 
supremacist tactics were just as violent as they had been during 
Reconstruction. Blacks and civil rights workers armed for self-defense.

John Salter, a professor at Tougaloo College and chief organizer of the 
N.A.A.C.P.'s Jackson Movement during the early 1960s, wrote, "No one knows what 
kind of massive racist retaliation would have been directed against grass-roots 
black people had the black community not had a healthy measure of firearms 
within it."

Salter personally had to defend his home and family several times against 
attacks by night riders. After Salter fired back, the night riders fled.

The unburned Ku Klux Klan cross in the Smithsonian Institution was donated by a 
civil rights worker whose shotgun blast drove Klansmen away from her driveway.

State or federal assistance sometimes came not when disorder began but when 
blacks reacted by arming themselves. In North Carolina, Governor Terry Sanford 
refused to command state police to protect a civil rights march from Klan 
attacks. When Salter warned Governor Sanford that if there were no police, the 
marchers would be armed for self-defense, the Governor provided police 

Our classic Klan story from North Carolina, of course, is the huge -- really 
huge -- United Klans rally held in the northern part of Halifax County on 
Easter Sunday, 1965. It began in the early afternoon and drew UKA members from 
all over the South.  We defeated that non-violently -- among other things via 
our mass picnic of Blacks and some Indians immediately adjacent to the Klan 
affair.  In the end, the Klan leaders cut the affair short -- never even made 
it into the night. Their three huge crosses burned in the daylight.  

Our multi-county Northeastern North Carolina Black Belt project was eminently 
successful.  And, in the end, we drove the Klan out of that entire region.  

A KKK group has recently formed here in Pocatello -- Empire Knights of the Ku 
Klux Klan, affiliated with its home base in Florida and related to several Klan 
units in Georgia and elsewhere.  Worth keeping an eye on -- but Idaho really 
isn't its natural habitat.  However, there are some other similar "things" in 
our region.  We always have a couple of loaded firearms in our house -- 'way up 
high on the far western edge of Pocatello and a stone's throw from BLM lands.

In Solidarity,

Hunter Bear

Abenaki/St. Regis Mohawk 
Protected by Na´shdo´i´ba´i´ 
and Ohkwari' 
Member, National Writers Union AFL-CIO
(much social justice material)

See the Stormy Adoption of an Indian Child [My Father]:

For the new, just out (11/2011) and expanded/updated
edition of my "Organizer's Book," JACKSON MISSISSIPPI -- 
with a new and substantial Introduction by me.  We are close upon
the 50th anniversary of the massive Jackson Movement of1962-63.:

Personal Background Narrative (with many links):

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