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Economists, fond of making their work into a science, like to
transform their ideas into a "scientific" law.  Accordingly, the
Fascist Italian senator, Vilfredo Pareto is credited with discovering
Pareto's Law, which explains why inequality  is a natural outcome.
Pareto suggested that 20% of causes create 80% of effects.  He argued
that this law explains why 20% of the Italian population owned 80% of
the wealth.  Sadly, the U.S. experience calls Pareto's data into
question, but then, those lazy Southern Europeans wallow in socialism.

There is a second Pareto Law, which offers a more accurate explanation
inequality.  In his Manual of Political Economy, he explained:
More at:


Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA

530 898 5321
fax 530 898 5901

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