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[consistent with this, today this group calls unions themselves, not
their leaders, institutions of capitalist rule that must be rejected
by workers.  Thus during the auto strike, they aimed their main fire
at the UAW]

Author’s Postscript

After the completion of the foregoing Appendix, the author came into
the possession of the Draft Political Perspectives of the WRP’s
Special Conference, 13-14 July 1974. The general line and method of
this document encapsulates the enclosed world of the sectarian. First
there is intoned the ritualistic chant of perspectives being ‘proved a
thousand times correct’ (p 4). But far more important is the total
lack of a policy and demands to draw the mass of the workers into
struggles that pose a challenge to the reformists. Despite the
document’s speaking of the ‘maturing of a situation where Bonapartist
forms of rule appeal to growing sections of the bourgeoisie’ (p 4),
the bourgeoisie discarding ‘traditional democratic institutions’ as it
‘turns to the state machine itself to impose order’, and ‘devoting
more and more resources to the mobilisation of the fascist bands’ (p
4), there is nowhere a single call for a united workers’ front to
fight these sinister developments. Every other tendency in the
workers’ movement is denounced for its complicity in the drive to
reaction, but not confronted with a principled challenge to unite
their forces on the basic issue of the defence of workers’ democratic
rights, which the document so rightly says are threatened by the
bourgeoisie and its various agencies. True, the document does have a
plan to defeat reaction, but it leaves out those millions of workers
still organised in the reformist-led organisations: ‘The real
preparation to defeat reaction in all its forms including the
emergence of fascist movements, is the turn more and more deeply into
the working class by the revolutionary party.’ (p 5) What is this if
not the ‘united front from below'? The ‘turn’ is to the working class
in the abstract, as individuals susceptible to the propaganda of the
WRP, and not to the class as it is, organised in the Labour Party and
the trade unions, and ready to move into action against ‘reaction’
only in and through their traditional organisations. To fight fascism,
the WRP must address itself to the organisations to which these
workers belong, as Trotsky insisted in his many polemics against the
Third Period Stalinists. Perhaps a clue as to why the WRP feels unable
to apply this Leninist tactic is to be found in the same document,
where we read that the ‘Social Democrats and the trade union
bureaucrats, supported by the Stalinists, play their classical role of
corporatist class collaboration’ (p 6, emphasis added). So Social
Democracy (and Stalinism) = corporatism! Like the Third Period
Stalinists, the WRP now attempts, with its reference to the ‘classical
role’ of the ‘corporatist’ reformists, to project back far into the
past the allegedly corporatist (fascist) nature of Social Democracy.
But most disturbing of all, and again in the treacherous traditions of
Third Period Stalinism, is the blatant attempt made in the document to
minimise, if not to deny, the danger of fascism becoming a mass
movement in Britain. The role allotted to the National Front (and,
presumably, to similar movements in Ulster) is that of providing the
ideological ‘basis for a supplementary force through which the police
carries out its operations’ (p 5, emphasis added). Thus the fascists
will not function as a plebeian battering ram against the organised
working class (which, in order to carry through its
counter-revolutionary task, acts to a large degree independently of
the traditional state agencies), but as an ‘ideological base for a
provocation squad’ (p 5, emphasis added).

What we have expressed here is the British version of national
exceptionalism. The German Social Democrats – and Stalinists – argued
that fascism was a strictly Italian phenomenon, attributable to the
retarded socio-economic development of that nation. It could never
become a mass movement in so advanced and civilised a country as
Germany. This essentially chauvinist argument in the case of the
Stalinists fed the theory that it would be the Social Democrats, and
not the Nazis (as late as 1928, capable of winning a mere 800 000
votes), who would carry through the ‘fascisation’ of Germany. As this
book has attempted to show, this theory was still advanced at a time
when the Nazis were already well on the way to becoming the mass
movement of counter-revolution, not merely supplanting, but
threatening with destruction, the mass reformist organisations. The
crisis in the middle class, the ‘Liberal revival’, Powell’s challenge
to the Tory leadership and his flirtation with the Ulster ultra-right,
and, last but not least, the emergence of the National Front as a
movement openly bidding for mass support amongst backward workers,
youth and disoriented petit-bourgeois, all point towards the danger of
the sudden rise of a truly mass fascist movement in the not too
distant future. Certainly, the gathering economic crisis, together
with the continuing retreats of the reformist leaders before the
capitalist offensive, is creating the preconditions for such a
development. Yet the WRP conference resolution, far from highlighting
these dangers, and evolving a strategy, tactics and policies to combat
them, declares: ‘The National Front... does not have any mass basis.’
(p 5, emphasis added) Any? Instead of summoning the workers’ movement
to beat down incipient fascism before it gains a secure footing in the
backward masses, the WRP deems the ‘fight against fascism’ to be a
‘diversion’ away ‘from the role of the bourgeois state itself’ (p 5).
This sophistry is reminiscent of the KPD leaders, who opposed calls
for a united front against fascism by demagogically insisting that the
‘real fight’ was against ‘capitalist dictatorship in general’.
Anti-fascism, argued Thälmann and company, was really a cover for
support of the reformists and the status quo. Of course, it can be –
it is the task of the revolutionary party to see that it does not
perform this reactionary role. This the party does, not by abstaining
from the struggle against fascism behind a screen of radical phrases,
or refusing to enter into united front agreements with other sections
of the workers’ movement, but by being at the very forefront of the
struggle to mobilise the class against the fascists and their allies
now. This means, for example, launching a campaign inside the trade
unions, Labour clubs and other workers’ organisations for an official
policy of immediate expulsion of all known members of the National
Front and other such organisations. Even the ADGB bureaucracy, for all
its cringing to the bourgeoisie, adopted this policy towards the Nazis
right up to the end of 1932. Surely the WRP feels it both necessary
and possible to present a similar demand to the leaders of the British
trade unions? If it is accepted and implemented, the workers’ movement
will be immeasurably strengthened. If not, then the advanced workers
will have had a classic lesson in the cowardly nature and role of
reformism. But as yet, the WRP has not raised this elementary slogan –
Drive the racists and fascists out of the trade unions. It prefers
instead to brand their leaders as ‘devoted disciples’ of fascist
ideology. Once again, we must put this question to the WRP: Has it
learned nothing from the tragedy of Germany?

Robert Black
3 July 1974

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 6:47 AM, Louis Proyect <l...@panix.com> wrote:
> An online book by Robin Blick written in 1975. Blick (a pseudonym) came out
> of the Healyite movement in Britain.
> http://www.marxists.org/subject/fascism/blick/

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