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Boah, that WSWS piece is just Trotskyite score-settling with the Johnson-Forest 

This shit reads like it was thrown together by a computer program.  

Somebody whom you disagree with is "reactionary"?  Check.

Attacking another leftist as a "liberal"?  Check.

Upholding the pure, immaculate revolutionary continuity from Trotsky?  Check.  
(Grace Boggs says she was never really a Trotskyist?  *gasp*!  *horror*!)

And, of course, she's "covering" for the Democratic Party.  Check.

I've never known Grace or James Boggs.  But the first course in Marx's 
_Capital_ I ever took was with Martin Glaberman, and it was 1,000 times more 
valuable than this tired, sleep-inducing denunciation ritual.

I'd like to think if Trotsky were alive today, he'd be thinking about how to 
relate to the field of possibility opened up by Wisconsin, Occupy, Greece, and 
the Arab Spring, rather than engaging in these religious denunciation rituals.

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