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On Sat, 25 Aug 2012 20:11 Louis wrote:
> The only now-deceased FBI agent I know about is Burney Threadgill who states 
> that he was Aoki's handler and directed him to join the CPUSA and then the 
> SWP afterwards.
>Here's the relevant passage from Rosenfeld's book. Comrades can judge for 

I offer this commentary after having now skimmed significant portions
of the book via the Amazon preview features, with the relevant chapter
28 "At Bayonet Point" in the most detail.

Louis has conveniently left out the ONLY citation on Aoki where any
DOCUMENTARY evidence that is supposedly connected with the allegation
is EVER provided by Rosenthal:

from page 640, in the Notes section:

418 - "But one of... radical organizations."  The author's conclusion
that Aoki was an FBI informer has several bases.  First, the former
FBI agent Burney Threadgill Jr., discussed Aoki's work as an informer
in interviews with the author; second, Aoki's own suggestive
statements to the author; third he is named as an "informant" with the
temporary code number "T-2" in 105-165706-22, a November 16, 1967 FBI
report on the Black Panthers; fourth, this conclusion is consistent
with other FBI records concerning Aoki.  It is also based on the
declaration of former FBI agent M. Wesley Swearingen, Seth Rosenfeld
v. Federal Bureau of Investigation and U.S. Department of Justice, C
11-92131MEJ, U.S. District Court, Northern District of California,
2011; author interview with M. Wesley Swearingen.

The ONLY hard, documentary evidence is therefore claimed to exist
within the "T-2" form, to which Fujino also had access for her
biography of Aoki (as she declared in her interview on Democracy Now).
 Fujino states in her recent article from the SF Chronicle (link
below) that the document is AMBIGUOUS in its redacted form:


First, Rosenfeld cites only one FBI document, a Nov. 16, 1967, report.
It states: "A supplementary T symbol (SF T-2) was designated for" -
but the name was deleted. Following the now-blank space was the name
Richard Matsui Aoki in parenthesis, and then the phrase "for the
limited purpose of describing his connections with the organization
and characterizing [Aoki]."

In the FBI pages released to me, only brief background material on
Aoki is linked to T-2. Moreover, T symbols are used to refer to
informants or technical sources of information (microphones,
wiretaps). So was Aoki the informer or the one being observed?

To claim in the endnote citation that on the "T-2" document that
"[Aoki] is named as an informant" - with an incorrect middle name - is
misguided at best.  Therefore I and other detractors charge that
Rosenfeld's interview with the now-deceased Threadgill is the sole
origin of the allegation, and that it is LACKING in HARD, DOCUMENTED
corroborating evidence that UNAMBIGUOUSLY names Aoki as an informant.
We must somehow take the now-deceased Threadgill at his word.  All the
other "sources" cited in this endnote are based on Rosenfeld's and
Swearingen's SUBJECTIVE INTERPRETATIONS in pursuit of this primrose
path.  Every piece of information - or lack thereof - that they
subsequently encounter (including other FBI documents that describe or
mention Aoki but never claim any collaboration, or any FBI refusal to
release additional documents) is now somehow "proof" of their theory.
The entire allegation is propped up by nothing more than their
confirmation biases.

Louis has repeatedly claimed, both here or in other forums (such as
his blog or in the comments section of Kasama and North Star), that
"it shouldn't matter" if Aoki was an FBI asset or not, since his
"ultraleft numbskullery" (Louis' words) was so destructive.  And yet
despite such claimed irrelevancy, he persists in posting Rosenfeld's
allegations, presented as incontrovertible fact.  Notice Rosenfeld's
language - the use of conclusive statements instead of conditioning
them as allegations, just as Louis does in his blog entry by writing,
"I should mention that the FBI directed Aoki to join the CP and the
SWP before he ever got involved with the Panthers."

Hindsight certainly allows us to judge past actions/beliefs as
mistakes or errors.  In light of the aftermath wrought on the Panthers
and affiliated groups, it would certainly seem that they were courting
disaster.  What seems to be ignored by Louis and others however, is
that these groups (or their survivors) and ex-members didn't just
disappear into thin air.  Most of them continued organizing, and many
thereafter evolved or merged into the various formations within what
is sometimes collectively referred to as Third World Marxism or seen
as part of the broader New Communist Movement (NCM).  This is a
largely non-Trotskyist lineage of the USA left - and far more
representative of communities of color - that is apparently quite
alien for many of the (USA-based) members of this list, amongst whom
the "old guard" seem to be predominantly white and male, and many of
whom were ex-SWP like Louis.

>From what I have observed, far too many of the frequent contributors
to Marxmail seem either unknowing or underestimating of just what the
Panthers, Young Lords, Red Guards (the Asian-American group), et al
mean and symbolize for politically-conscious people of color,
including up to the present day.  And how this appreciation is IN
SPITE of their mistakes and errors, which we can pick apart and debate
until time immemorial.  It is unfortunate that Louis continues to
parrot Rosenfeld's UNSUBSTANTIATED ALLEGATIONS against Aoki (despite
his claim that they "don't matter") to apparently dismiss wholesale
this entire milieu of what was to become the NCM, and its lasting
legacy - warts and all.

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