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An interesting follow-up to yesterday's Times article about rebels making
their own weapons, which I forwarded and commented on (see below).

Today the Times profiles an emigre' group trying to funnel money to the FSA:

The group is way too in bed with the US government. The big question
however is who actually gets the money on the ground.

This info by the way confirms what was said at a forum on Syria in NYC, in
which the speaker said the vast bulk of the money for arms comes not from
any government -- US, Saudi or Qatar -- but from emigres.

PS: See another article on the LCC's code of conduct. Note the list of
endorsing organizations. It looks impressive, i.e. a wide range of
locally-based groups. Of course only a Syrian could tell us how
representative it is:

PPS: Go Morsi! Fuck the rules of bourgeois diplomacy!

On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 4:20 PM, Andrew Pollack <acpolla...@gmail.com>wrote:

> http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/29/world/middleeast/syrian-rebels-get-arms-from-a-diverse-network-of-sources.html?_r=1&ref=world
> The Times portrays revolutionary units arming themselves, either by making
> the weapons or getting them from defectors and left-behind US weapons in
> Iraq
> Even if the Times exaggerates the amount of self-provisioning for whatever
> propaganda purposes, if the anecdotes are all true this is very
> encouraging, because the fighters interviewed seem happy about their
> efforts (whereas virtually every Times story on the topic up til now has
> been more about complaints about inadequate supplies)
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