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Although in my earlier email today I saluted (and stand by my praise for)
Morsi for denouncing Assad, it goes without saying that Morsi also had a
responsibility to use the same platform to denounce "Israel" -- especially
knowing that the media would be regurgitating their lies about the Iranian
regime's antiZionist statements, lies which the UN's Ban himself spewed.
(That is, the regime says -- correctly -- that Israel needs to be wiped off
the map, they never said the people should be.)

But I wouldn't expect Morsi to do so, given that his own regime is still
collaborating with "Israel" (see egyptindependent.com and other sources on
how Gazans are furious with the lack of change from Egypt, and on the
convictions this week of protesters who attacked the Zionist embassy in

On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 12:31 PM, Louis Proyect <l...@panix.com> wrote:

> ======================================================================
> NY Times August 30, 2012
> As Iranian Hosts Watch, Egyptian and U.N. Leaders Rebuke Syria
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