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Angelus wrote:

'Why is it that socialists writing about Jazz always stop with the mid-60s and Coltrane and Coleman (sometimes Archie Shepp), always within the context of the American civil rights movement?

They never write about the last 40+ years of Jazz history, except to contrast the revivalism of Wynton Marsalis with the 60s "New Thing" and paint it as analogous to neo-conservative politics.

No mention ever of the AACM, Anthony Braxton, all the great stuff that came out on Black Saint/Soul Note and HatArt in the 70s and 80s, John Zorn and the downtown New York scene of the 80s, millenial Chicago Jazz around Vandermark/Hamid Drake/Fred Anderson, or any of the (rather heavily political in many cases) European free improvisation milieu in Germany (Brötzmann, Schlippenbach, the FMP label), Great Britain (Evan Parker, AMM, Derek Bailey) or Holland (ICP, Willem Breuker), or the contemporary AMM-inspired electro-acoustic improv in Berlin (Axel Dörner, Andrea Neumann), Vienna (Fennesz, Dieb13, the Mego label) Tokyo (Toshimaru Nakamura, Otomo Yoshihide) and Britain (John Butcher, Rhodrie Davies, all the stuff on the Another Timbre label)?

Pretty much the only Marxist I know of who even seems to be aware that there's been improvised music in the last 40 years is Ben Watson.'
Fighting words, comrade- not to mention a display of euro-provincialism. This year's Vancouver Jazzfestival included among others: Helene Labarriere Quartet, IPA, Bennick/West/Ex, Ig Henneman Sextet, the Hexen Trio [Plimley/Guy/Niggli]-- as well as Vancouver improv standouts like Francois Houle, Peggy Lee, Tony Wilson, Gord Grdina [who have all played with folks you mention]. And for Marxists who know what's happening, you can add Tony Smith.

Michael A. Lebowitz
Professor Emeritus
Economics Department
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5A 1S6
Home:   Phone 604-689-9510
Cell: 778-230-6137

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