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As announced on Marxmail (http://www.marxmail.org/msg105641.html) the
Revolutionary Socialist Party and Socialist Alternative have been in
merger talks for some time.

My sources tell me that the negotiations have been going smoothly and
a merger will be announced sometime next month. Given the relative
size of the two organisations (about 15:1 in Socialist Alternative's
favour) some RSP members are concerned that what is being described by
both sides as a merger would really amount to the RSP being absorbed
by SAlt.

Such concerns have been addressed by the remarkably generous
concessions offered by Socialist Alternative. RSP national secretary
John Percy will be coopted onto Socialist Alternative's national
leadership body, Doug Lorimer will run their Marxist cadre school in
Melbourne and develop the class curriculum, and Jorge Jorquera will
head up the group's Latin America solidarity work.

Socialist Alternative will announce the formal abandonment of state
capitalism, the theoretical basis for their separate existence as a
current in the socialist movement. According to Socialist Alternative
sources they will, however, retain their conception of "revolution
from below", on which basis they'll continue to call for the overthrow
of the Cuban and Venezuelan governments while at the same time
stepping up their solidarity work, assigning Tom Bramble and Sanda
Bloodworth to the Free the Cuban Five political prisoners campaign and
organising a national speaking tour of Mariela Castro to highlight
Cuba's progress on LGBTI rights.

These concessions by Socialist Alternative go some way to addressing
the RSP's principled rejection of a merging of the two organisations,
as explained in an article for the RSP's website, Direct Action, by
Allen Myers in May

"According to the Victorian [Socialist Alliance] leaflet, the SA
believes that “the differences which do exist [among socialist groups]
can be contained within a single organisation”. This ignores reality.
For example, the Socialist Alternative (SAlt) group while formally
opposed to US threats against Cuba, considers Cuba to be a capitalist
state and advocates a mass armed uprising to overthrow the Cuban
government. The SA has policy of solidarity with Cuba against US
threats, but it hasn’t adopted a position on supporting Cuba’s
socialist revolution. Perhaps, therefore, the SA could co-exist with
SAlt in a united organisation in regard to its policy toward Cuba. But
how could the Revolutionary Socialist Party (RSP), which regards the
Cuban Revolution as an inspiring example to the working people of the
world of socialist politics in action, get along in the same party
with socialists who advocate the overthrow of the Cuban government?"

However, some RSP members would like to see Socialist Alternative
embrace the Cuban and Venezuelan revolutions more consistently and
wholeheartedly before signing on. As one RSP member who prefers to
remain anonymous put it to me: "We were expelled from the DSP on the
basis that we allegedly broke party discipline by seeking to establish
the Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network on campus. As the RSP, we
made Cuba and Venezuela solidarity work our priority. It was a point
of contrast with the Socialist Alliance.

"Now we're negotiating to merge with an organisation that goes around
saying that these two societies in which the socialist movement has
actually taken state power aren't the real thing, that they're
Stalinist or state capitalist or whatever. It's great that they're
actually going to do some solidarity work, rather than just adopting
resolutions saying they oppose imperialist intervention then doing
nothing. Deeds are worth more than empty proclamations.

"Still, I'd like to see them come out in support of the Venezuelan and
Cuban governments. I don't feel comfortable distributing a magazine
that gives the false impression that nowhere in the world today has
the revolution  taken power. That's blinkered, bleak and deeply

John Percy declined to comment until the negotiations are over, citing
a number of outstanding issues that need to be resolved. He's hopeful
Socialist Alternative can be persuaded to re-launch the RSP's Direct
Action as a monthly paper, with himself as editor. He described the
whole process as refreshing, an example of real left unity on a
principled basis, unlike the Socialist Alliance.

He said the merger was very much in the spirit of Jim Percy, who never
considered such things as support for the Cuban Revolution to be a
line-in-the-sand issue when it comes to party building. I don't care
about their politics, he said, I just want to be where the youth are,
and I love their red flags.

All this would be wonderful news, I thought, if only it were true.

Marce Cameron

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