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By Noel Ignatiev
From pmpress.org

Why Mao?
Why, in spite of its long list of crimes* and the reality of modern China, does 
Maoism continue to attract adherents among revolutionaries in the U.S.? Part of 
the answer is that Maoism represents in many people’s minds the triumph of the 
will (no reference intended to Lenni Riefenstahl’s film of that title).
Marxism came to China around the time of the May Fourth Movement (1919), when 
Chinese students, enraged at the government’s subservience to foreign powers, 
turned to the West for new ideas. It arrived as one of many imports; 
particularly important was the philosophy of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Emerson 
argued for the supremacy of the will; here are some quotes from him, picked off 
the internet: “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no 
path and leave a trail.” “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying 
to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” “Always do what you 
are afraid to do.” “Our greatest glory is in never failing, but in rising up 
every time we fail.” “Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make 
it happen.” “Passion rebuilds the world for the youth.” “Every revolution was 
thought first in one man's mind."
And the following (especially appealing to many young Americans): “An ounce of 
action is worth a ton of theory.”
If Emerson stressed reliance on will, Marx discovered the link between 
communism and the proletariat. Addressing the same questions Mao addressed, and 
writing at about the same age Mao was when he became a radical, Marx wrote:
 Where, then, is the positive possibility of a German emancipation?
Answer: In the formulation of a class with radical chains, a class of civil 
society which is not a class of civil society, an estate which is the 
dissolution of all estates, a sphere which has a universal character by its 
universal suffering and claims no particular right because no particular wrong, 
but wrong generally, is perpetuated against it; which can invoke no historical, 
but only human, title; which does not stand in any one-sided antithesis to the 
consequences but in all-round antithesis to the premises of German statehood; a 
sphere, finally, which cannot emancipate itself without emancipating itself 
from all other spheres of society and thereby emancipating all other spheres of 
society, which, in a word, is the complete loss of man and hence can win itself 
only through the complete re-winning of man. This dissolution of society as a 
particular estate is the proletariat.
Maoism was the synthesis of Marxism and Emersonianism, and that was the secret 
of its triumph in China, a country with a tiny proletariat, and its appeal to a 
new generation of radicals in the U.S., a country where the proletariat appears 
to be diminishing in numbers and coherence.
The history of Maoism is well known: After reactionaries crushed the workers’ 
movement of 1925-27 and slaughtered Communists in the cities, Mao led a faction 
of the Party to the countryside. There they built a peasant army that, as 
everyone knows, overthrew the feudal regime and brought the CP to power. I am 
in awe at Mao’s accomplishment in getting fastidious Chinese students, 
schoolteachers, librarians (he himself was a librarian), and mandarins, more 
steeped in class prejudice than any other people on earth, to go and live with 
peasants and eat out of filthy bowls and pick lice out of their bodies. It was 
one of the most heroic episodes in history, and one of the greatest revolutions.
Looking back after nearly a century, it is evident now that the dust has 
settled that Communism in China did not bring about the “complete re-winning of 
man” but was the banner under which the old, reactionary, patriarchal, feudal 
society was overthrown and a capitalist society built up in its place. Although 
Mao and his comrades called themselves, and undoubtedly believed they were, 
Communists, the revolution they carried out was not a communist revolution, nor 
could it be, because it was not based in the proletariat, and when it comes to 
revolution, communist and proletarian are interchangeable terms.
People looking for substitutes for the working class (and consequently 
infatuated with Maoism) need to ponder that lesson. Sometimes an ounce of 
theory is worth a ton of action.
Lastly, a word on the “mass line”: The Maoist notion of the “mass line” (from 
the masses, to the masses) omits, and by omitting denies, the active role of 
the Marxist organization in refracting the mass movement into its different 
tendencies and then seeking to clarify the different implications of those 
tendencies. Instead it substitutes a notion of the Party as a neutral recorder, 
modestly serving the masses. It is disingenuous, even hypocritical, because 
while declaring its adherence to the formula “from the masses, to the masses,” 
it also insists that the Party is the "leading force,” invariably 
short-circuiting the part where the “masses” make up their own minds. (The same 
criticism applies to the Zapatista formula "To obey is to lead.") The view of 
the Party as the “leading force” is especially popular among those who see no 
social force that because of its position in society can give shape to the 
entire movement, and
 therefore fall back on the Party, an organization of people of no particular 
class who come together voluntarily on the basis of political agreement, to 
perform that function.** (The Marxist organization may indeed be the “leading 
force,” but it has to win its position every day; during the entire period of 
transition from capitalist society to communism, the period sometimes known as 
“Socialism,” there can be no other leadership than the soviets, workers’ 
councils, etc. and even they can only be provisional.) The vanguard party may 
not be reactionary everywhere—even C.L.R. James acknowledged its value in 
backward countries; but it is out of place in a country where the working class 
is “disciplined, united, organized by the very mechanism of the process of 
capitalist production itself.”
*My favorite of Mao’s crimes, which I have seen nowhere in print, comes from a 
professor of Chinese Studies at Harvard who lived in China for years. He 
reported that in the last years of his life Mao became infatuated with an 
18-year-old female railway worker. He brought her to live with him in the 
Forbidden City, where she became for a while his intermediary to the outside 
world. She was the one Communist officials meant when they made statements 
beginning, “A spokesman for Chairman Mao declared.” According to the professor, 
the arrangement was an open secret among those in the know. I believe it. The 
irony is, it may have been the only recorded case in history of the actual 
dictatorship of the proletariat.
**I maintain that the working class in large-scale industry, transport and 
communications is the only social force capable of performing this function on 
a world scale, but that view is of course debatable and moreover its meaning in 
different situations is not always easy to see. The faction that emerged on top 
in China after 1927 did not solve the problem of what it meant (if ever they 
gave it serious consideration). Forty years later, workers in Shanghai declared 
the Shanghai Commune (a deliberate reference to the Paris Commune, based on 
direct democracy); shortly afterwards all talk of the Commune ended, and the 
Party line became the Three-in-one committees, according to which one part of 
the state administration was to be drawn from the existing cadres, one part 
from the People’s Liberation Army, and one part from the new forces—in other 
words, the coopting of the insurgents. Some Italian comrades visited China 
right after and asked Mao why he
 abandoned the Commune. His reply: China has 20 million proletarians; how do 
you expect them to maintain proletarian rule in a country of 680 million 
peasants? He may have been right. The results are there for all to see. Could 
total defeat have been worse than what actually transpired? (We could ask the 
same question about the suppression of the Kronstadt revolt.)

“Passionate, organized hatred is the element missing in all that we do to try 
to change the world. Now is the time to spread hate, hatred for the rich.” — 
Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz
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