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Ken Hiebert said:
Granted that English is full of inconsistencies and odd usages and granted that 
"correct" usage changes over time, we might as well use the "correct" usage 
unless it makes us sound snooty or pretentious. I  don't think "hanged" would 
strike most people as odd or pretentious, so we might as well use it as the 
past tense of hang when referring to capital punishment.
Perhaps only a few people would notice an "incorrect" usage, but why should we 
get into a debate with them over usage when we wish to engage them in other 

Michael Smith replied:
Not sure at whom this is directed, but I for one repudiate 
completely the whole idea of correct and incorrect usage. 
That's the point of the subject heading. 

And of course the 'inconsistencies' and 'odd usages' (odd by 
what standards?) of English are at least half the charm of 
English philology. 

Ken Hiebert replies:
English, along with every other living language, is evolving.  So I don't want 
to insist on any timeless standard of English.
But i do try to be "correct."  While I would lustily join in singing Phil Ochs' 
I Ain't  Marchin' Any More, i would be unlikely to use the word ain't in a 
public speech.  i would be afraid that such a usage might make it difficult for 
some people to take me seriously.  Even if it can be shown that 150 years ago 
ain't was entirely "correct."
At the same time I would think twice before a I corrected someone else who used 
that expression.  I would want to be sure that such a correction would be 

As for the word hanged as the past tense of hang referring to capital 
punishment, I could be out of date.  But if this usage is still quite common, 
why shouldn't we stick with it?
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