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Talk about 'garble'!
Shane writes:
More reading of Marx would have prevented this garble, for it should be impossible for anyone who has read Marx to talk about the "suppression of the law of value." This is what Marx says about the law of value:

"...even if there were no chapter on value in my book, the analysis
of the real relationships which I give would contain the proof and
demonstration of the real value-relation...the mass of products
corresponding to the different needs requires different and
quantitatively determined masses of the total labor of society.
That this necessity of distributing social labor in definite proportions
cannot be done away with by the particular form of social production,
but can only change the form it assumes, is self-evident. No natural
laws can be done away with. What can change, in changing historical
circumstances, is the form in which these laws operate..."

Since "No natural laws can be done away with," under socialism (defined by Marx, Lenin, Luxemburg, and Trotsky as the form of society transitional between the capitalist mode of production, based on capital accumulation and exploitation of labor, and the future communist social order, based on universal abundance and universal free activity or leisure) the "form in which" the law of value would operate has to be reflective of the contradictory aspects it incorporates from its antecedent mode of production and its future transcendence of production and labor alike.
Aside from attributing to Marx the stagist concept of a separate stage of 'socialism' [with its separate 'socialist principle'--- Lenin's dicta], the 'natural law' Marx had in mind is that every society must distribute its social labour. How this becomes a justification of 'the law of value' [characteristic of a society marked by the spontaneous interaction of commodity-sellers] is rather obscure [as are the politics behind this message].

Michael A. Lebowitz
Professor Emeritus
Economics Department
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5A 1S6
Home:   Phone 604-689-9510
Cell: 604-789-4803

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