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On 08.02.2013 20:58, Andy Bain wrote:

Surely, this faction is 'illegal' from the CC's point of view?
Are they trying to provoke the full timers into expelling them?

Section 10 of the SWP's constitution - the section dealing with factional rights - doesn't say that factions are limited to the pre-conference discussion period - here is the text:

"If a group of party members disagrees with a specific party policy, or a decision taken by a leading committee of the party, they may form a faction by producing a joint statement signed by at least 30 members of the party. A faction will be given reasonable facilities to argue its point of view and distribute its documents. These must be circulated through the National Office, to ensure that all members have the chance to consider them. Debate continues until the party at a Special or Annual Conference reaches a decision on the disputed question. Permanent or secret factions are not allowed."

The three months period is referred to in section 4, which deals with the party conference. this is the relevant passage:

"Three months before each Conference the Central Committee opens a special pre-conference discussion in the organisation. Members are invited to contribute written discussion documents for internal circulation during this period. During the pre-conference period, district aggregates are held where CC members present members with a review of the previous year and an outline of party perspectives. These open meetings give all members the chance to discuss party work, raise questions and points of disagreement and collectively assess the party’s development."

Considering the number of prominent long-standing party members who've signed the faction document, I suspect that expulsions are not on the cards now, whatever may have been the case earlier in the week.

Einde O'Callaghan

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