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Caving in to SWP members' pressure, the CC has now called a special conference 
for 10 March. This is
the email sent out today to all SWPers:

From: Charlie Kimber <char...@swp.org.uk>
Date: 9 February 2013 13:44:10 GMT
To: Charlie Kimber ext email <joeea...@aol.com>
Subject: Important statement from the CC and announcement of a special 

Dear Comrade,

Here is a statement from the Central Committee outlining why we are calling a 
special conference.
The call for a faction which is referred to in the statement is attached.

A full timetable for the special conference will be circulated in Party Notes 
on Monday.

Charlie Kimber, SWP national conference

Statement from the CC

1. The SWP has seen an unprecedented amount of debate and discussion over the 
last four months. This
includes pre-conference aggregates, three internal bulletins, the conference in 
January (with over
550 delegates, two factions, and faction meetings), post-conference report 
backs, a National
Committee of delegates elected from conference and post-NC report backs. 
Throughout this process the
majority of the party has backed the Central Committee and rejected the attacks 
on the party’s
record and its leadership. But a minority has refused to accept a closure of 
the matters discussed.
Instead of the party uniting over urgent issues of the class struggle, a 
minority seeks to drag us
into continual internal debate. The latest example is the declaration of a 
faction, outside the
pre-conference period.

2. The faction document not only contests issues discussed at the recent 
national conference. It
also specifically repudiates the National Committee held on 3 February which 
rejected the central
elements of the faction document by 39 votes to eight.

That NC also supported the Central Committee’s motion by 39 votes to eight. It 
seemed that the basis
existed for the party to move forward united and to throw itself into the class 
struggle. The report
backs from the NC showed an increasing spirit of wanting to move forward. The 
faction, headed by the
minority at the NC, seeks to set that back.

3. The faction document is extraordinarily unpolitical. It seeks to plunge the 
party into months of
internal debate over issues that in truth were thoroughly discussed at the last 
conference and
should have been settled there. It has nothing to say about the economic crisis 
and the fightback,
the battle against racism and fascism, the union bureaucracy and the rank and 
file, Unite the
Resistance, anti-imperialism, building the SWP - or much else. Presumably the 
faction supporters
think the party is getting all of that right.

4. The CC does not accept the right to form factions outside the three month 
discussion period. Such factions open the door to permanent factions and 
permanent oppositions,
making it impossible to unite and intervene effectively. This time comrades 
want to launch a faction
five weeks after the end of conference. Next time it may be five days 
afterwards. The SWP has never
seen factions outside the pre-conference period – as certainly a large number 
of the comrades who
have signed the faction statement know. The CC is criticised for acting 
bureaucratically. In truth
it is the faction which bureaucratically seeks to use the lack of precision in 
the constitution to
raise debates it has lost in other forums.

5. The CC rejects the specific demands of the faction document. We do not 
believe the DC process was
fundamentally flawed or dealt with the complaint in a manner that besmirched 
our record of fighting
for women's liberation. The complaint was a very serious matter which was 
treated with great care.

We reject the implication that the SWP's present CC, or the CC in place in the 
run up to conference,
would allow any comrade who brings a complaint forward to be vilified. We have 
said repeatedly that
every comrade has the right to take issues to the disputes committee without 
the worry that they
will face pressure for doing so.

We do not agree with driving X from political life "for the forseeable future" 
when the DC decided
no complaints were proven against him and no disciplinary action should be 
taken against him. All of
those involved in the DC case have the right to be treated as members in good 
standing. We do not
operate a regime of innuendo and slurs.

6. The CC has not sought to stifle arguments. That accusation is laughable 
after the last four
months. Nor has the CC tried to operate by unpolitical or administrative means. 
There have been no
expulsions since conference despite behaviour which is unaccountable, 
undemocratic and against the
principles of democratic centralism.

Some of this behaviour has been particularly disgusting – such as recording the 
DC session at
conference that then led to the Daily Mail article attacking the women members 
of the DC.

But despite this the CC did not have, nor does it have, plans for “mass 
expulsions”. We seek to win
comrades politically while (as the NC agreed) we reserve the right to use 
disciplinary action
against those who wilfully and repeatedly flout party discipline.

7. It is not controversial that feminism can be part of a process that leads 
people into struggle
and towards a Marxist understanding of the world. It is a baseless slur that 
the CC sees feminists
as enemies. We are always on the side of feminists against oppression. But we 
are also for winning
women, and men, to a revolutionary socialist view, not adapting to a different 
view. We believe
Marxism explains women's oppression and points the way to emancipation - this 
is not the same as
slurring feminism.

8. It is clear that serious divisions have been created in our party. Sometimes 
genuine concerns
have been preyed upon by a small minority of comrades who want a wholly 
different sort of party. A
debilitating process of relentless internally-focused debate has gone on for 
weeks. The NC last
weekend made clear that this must come to an end. Those who refuse to stop 
factionalising seek to
continue the branch motions, the blogs, the Facebook battles and the inward 
focus for another 11
months. There must be a resolution - and soon.

9. The fight against brutal austerity and against racism, and the need for a 
socialist alternative
cannot be sidelined while we look inwards. The party is not shunned or 
isolated. The danger is it
isolates itself by not pushing out. There are signs of new struggles - and 
great movements across
the world. Are we going to intervene energetically with all our force as 
socialists or spend a year
debating the internal structures of our party?

10. The CC has opposed the demand for a special conference, and those that 
agitated for one failed
to win enough branches to call one. But we cannot go on as we are. Therefore, 
to establish absolute
clarity and to draw a line that nobody serious can claim to ignore, the CC 
calls a one-day special
conference for Sunday 10 March.

We understand that many comrades who have voted in line with the majority 
decisions at our recent
conference and have rejected the call for a recall conference in their 
branches, or who are simply
weary of constant internal debate at a time of new possibilities in the class 
struggle, will not
want another aggregate and a special conference focused on these issues. 
However we cannot allow
factional debate to dominate party discussions for the next 11 months.

The conference will be to reaffirm the decisions of January’s conference and 
the NC, resolve recent
debates, clarify some elements of the constitution and move the party forwards. 
There will be
aggregates over the next three weeks and an internal bulletin. Pre-conference 
discussion takes place
in these aggregates, not branch meetings. Delegates will be elected on the same 
basis as the last
party conference. Factions can be formed in the normal manner.

11. We believe all the decisions of the last conference and this special 
conference are binding,
unlike those of our critics who believe they are binding unless they disagree 
with them. The special
conference must be the final word. We demand factions accept that - in 
practice, not words.


Jim Moody (j...@redunity.org.uk) on 09/02/2013
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