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Re Foster: I think this is the one Angelus is referring to:

See also:
... and whatever else comes up when googling foster and financialization.

I had previously argued with someone (Angelus?) about how Foster & MR
discuss financialization, but am willing to say for now that perhaps I
was overly harsh.

ESPECIALLY since there's an out-and-out dismissal of Marxist economics
in toto gaining influence, i.e. the attempt by Strike Debt activists
to fit all phenomenon into the Procrustean bed of debt. See for
instance Silvia Federici's piece on page 20 of:


Andy P.

On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 11:22 AM, Angelus Novus
<fuerdenkommunis...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I'd second the recommendation of David McNally's book, and I'd also add:
> The Endless Crisis by John Bellamy Foster and Robert McChesney
> I'm only about halfway through this one, but the second chapter in 
> particular, on "The Financialization of Accumulation", is really, really 
> good.  The MR folks are among the few Marxists to take finance seriously, 
> rather than regard it as something peripheral to production.
> So those would be my two main book recommendations: McNally and 
> Foster/McChesney.
> P.S. there's also a great article by Doug Henwood somewhere online that 
> serves as a sort of brief history of the last 40 years, but I can't find it 
> and don't have it bookmarked.  Maybe somebody knows the one I'm talking about.

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