Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Quite fascinating and I will try to grab a copy of the book and read it.
All right, I concede that any hagiography directed at a person or founder of
a movement falls short of the mark and it's good to see Marx and Engel's
portrayed as the type of people we might have thought they are if we met
them today--smile.
Still  All my reading of  Marx and Engel's' his works and my conclusion
still remain that Marx and Engles  systematic analysis of philosophy,
political economy, and socialism broth forth some really earthshaking

And it is interesting that the reviewer talks about the work "the Jewish
That is precisely what brought me to this list--smile.
I read something written on the list archives putting Marx and his early
writing on the "Jewish Question" in historical context.
After reading that archive entry conducted after an internet search, I
joined the list.
 So, now I've gone full-circle--lol.

Good day to all and to those who celebrate holidays, I wish you all the


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Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2013 10:55 AM
To: Dan Weiner
Subject: [Marxism] New Karl Marx biography

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NY Times Sunday Book Review March 29, 2013 A Man of His Time By JONATHAN

A Nineteenth-Century Life
By Jonathan Sperber
Illustrated. 648 pp. Liveright Publishing Corporation. $35.

The Karl Marx depicted in Jonathan Sperber's absorbing, meticulously
researched biography will be unnervingly familiar to anyone who has had even
the most fleeting acquaintance with radical politics. Here is a man never
more passionate than when attacking his own side, saddled with perennial
money problems and still reliant on his parents for cash, constantly
plotting new, world-changing ventures yet having trouble with both deadlines
and personal hygiene, living in rooms that some might call bohemian, others
plain "slummy," and who can be maddeningly inconsistent when not lapsing
into elaborate flights of theory and unintelligible abstraction.

Still, it comes as a shock to realize that the ultimate leftist, the father
of Communism itself, fits a recognizable pattern. It's like discovering that
Jesus Christ regularly organized bake sales at his local church. So inflated
and elevated is the global image of Marx, whether revered as a revolutionary
icon or reviled as the wellspring of Soviet totalitarianism, that it's
unsettling to encounter a genuine human being, a character one might come
across today. If the Marx described by Sperber, a professor at the
University of Missouri specializing in European history, were around in
2013, he would be a compulsive blogger, and picking Twitter fights with
Andrew Sullivan and Naomi Klein.

But that's cheating. The express purpose of "Karl Marx: A
Nineteenth--Century Life" is to dispel the dominant notion of a timeless
Marx - less man, more ideological canon - and relocate him where he lived
and belonged, in his own time, not ours. Standing firm against the avalanche
of studies claiming Marx as forever "our contemporary," 
Sperber sets out to depict instead "a figure of the past," not "a prophet of
the present."

And he succeeds in the primary task of all biography, recreating a man who
leaps off the page. We travel with Marx from his hometown, Trier, via
student carousing in Bonn and Berlin, to his debut in political journalism
in Cologne and on to exile and revolutionary activity in Paris, Brussels and
London. We see his thought develop, but glimpse also the begging letters to
his mother, requesting an advance on his inheritance, along with the
enduring anxiety over whether he can provide for the wife he has loved since
he was a teenager. We hear of the sleepless nights that follow the start of
the American Civil War: Marx is troubled not by the fate of the Union, but
by the loss of freelance income from The New York Tribune, which, consumed
by matters closer to home, no longer requires his services as a European
correspondent. We see the trips to the pawnbrokers, the pressure to maintain
bourgeois living standards, "the show of respectability," as Marx put it to
his closest friend and co-conspirator, Friedrich Engels.

The picture that emerges is a rounded, humane one. Marx is committed to
revolution, without being a monomaniac. He is an intensely loving father,
playing energetically with his children and later grandchildren, but also
suffering what would now be diagnosed as a two-year depression following the
death of his 8-year-old son Edgar. He is clearly also an infuriating
colleague, capable of spending 12-hour days in the reading room of the
British Museum but stewing on book projects for years, only to fail to
deliver. Engels, Sperber writes, spent decades repeating the same message:
Get the work done!

Besides the long, devoted marriage to Jenny, there is another love story
here: the partnership with Engels, who it seems was prepared to do anything
for his comrade. Engels famously subsidized Marx; perhaps less well known is
that he spared his friend a scandal by claiming paternity of the child born
to the Marx family servant, Lenchen Demuth: the boy was in fact Karl's son.
After the great man's death, it was Engels who waded through Marx's scrawled
notes to assemble, and publish posthumously, the final two volumes of "Das
Kapital." Even Marx's signature text, "The Communist Manifesto," included a
10-point program lifted almost verbatim from an earlier Engels program.
Engels was Aaron to Marx's Moses, able to speak in public and so make up for
the deficiencies of his partner, who was burdened by both a strong Rhineland
accent and a lisp. Such was his devotion that Engels even planted anonymous
reviews of "Das Kapital" in the German press. Imagine what the pair would
have got up to in the age of Amazon.

All this is fascinating enough as human drama (complemented by Sperber's
provision of a comprehensive reading of every Marx-related text - whether
speeches, letters, articles, grocery bills or invoices - in a winningly
informal, readable style). But it has extra value. For the act of reclaiming
Marx as a man, and a man of his time, alters the way we understand his

Plenty of scholars sweated through the 20th century trying to reconcile
inconsistencies across the great sweep of Marx's writing, seeking to shape a
coherent Marxism out of Marx. Sperber's approach is more pragmatic. He
accepts that Marx was not a body of ideas, but a human being responding to
events. In this context, it's telling that Marx's prime vocation was not as
an academic but as a campaigning journalist: 
Sperber suggests Marx's two stints at the helm of a radical paper in Cologne
represented his greatest periods of professional fulfillment. 
Accordingly, much of what the scholars have tried to brand as Marxist
philosophy was instead contemporary commentary, reactive and therefore full
of contradiction.

Thus in 1848 Marx could make a speech denouncing as "nonsense" the very idea
of a revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat, even though that notion
formed a core plank of Marxist doctrine. The old Communist academicians used
to insist the text of that speech must have been a forgery, but Sperber
believes in its authenticity. Marx delivered it to a Rhineland audience then
demanding the broadest possible front against authoritarian Prussian rule.
Pitting one Rhenish class against another made no sense in that place at
that time, so "Marx repudiated his own writing." The book makes clear that,
determined though Marx was to devise an overarching theory of political
economy, he was, even in exile, forever preoccupied with German politics and
fueled by a lifelong loathing of Prussian despotism. Whatever he wrote in
the abstract was informed by the current and concrete.

Only in one area do Sperber's efforts at contextualization fall short. 
He argues that Marx's writings on the Jewish question, including his hostile
comments about Jews, should be understood as "embedded" in the attitudes of
the age and therefore not deemed straightforwardly anti-Semitic. But such a
view is not easy to hold given the evidence Sperber himself marshals,
including an 1875 letter to Engels in which Marx - born a Jew, apparently
just before his father's conversion to Protestantism - casually describes a
fellow train passenger as a "little Yid," before offering a description that
Sperber, to his credit, concedes "is a stereotypical denunciation of an
uncultured and greedy Jew."

Not that this relatively soft treatment of Marx's anti-Semitism detracts
from the overall achievement of the book. Sperber forces us to look anew at
a man whose influence lives on. And he also offers a useful template for how
we might approach other great figures, especially the great thinkers, of
history - demystifying the words and deeds of those who too often are lazily
deemed sacred. For all the books that have been written about America's
founding fathers, for example, we still await the historian who will do for
them what Jonathan Sperber has done for Karl Marx.

Jonathan Freedland is an editorial page columnist for The Guardian of

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