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Six months on, a statement from Stephen Murney

On 9th August 1971, internment was introduced into the Occupied Six
Counties. Family homes were raided; front doors smashed in, men were
dragged from their beds and ripped from their homes in front of their
hysterical children and fearful wives who knew not where their loved ones
were being taken to, why or when they would return.

Many internees were held in captivity for years despite not having been
found guilty of any offence. The same practice remains in place today
albeit on a smaller but equally unjust scale.

Today it is often said that we live in a better society – ‘a new
dispensation – is the oft repeated phrase of those attempting to paper over
the cracks. Despite all the supposed ‘changes’, many of the old repressive
injustices remain including internment, political policing, Diplock courts
and ongoing MI5/British military activity.

Almost forty two years have passed since that August morning in 1971, yet
Irish men and women are still being interned at the behest of the British
state, arrested by its willing armed forces, including the PSNI, and aided
and abetted by their political apologists in Stormont.

Political policing and internment is nothing new. They are practices which
have been in place for some decades, practices that we in éirígí have been
to fore in highlighting, exposing and opposing.

As a result, those of us who have been most vocal in opposing these unjust
activities and our families, have paid a heavy personal price in the form
of constant PSNI harassment, frequent ‘stop and searches’, house raids,
assaults, threats, intimidation and, ultimately, the loss of liberty.

In late November last year I penned a letter which was published in the
local press in Newry. My letter highlighted a number of unacceptable
practices in relation to Britain’s police force – the PSNI – something
which I had done many times over the years.

The letter described, in detail, dawn PSNI house raids and the traumatic
effects they have on families, particularly young children.

Ironically, less than 24 hours after my correspondence was published, the
front door of my own family home was smashed in by the PSNI at 6am. In the
very same manner as

Full at: http://www.eirigi.org/latest/latest010613.html
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