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I doubt that many social justice radicals and working activists and genuine -- 
genuine -- liberals in this country, or even abroad, are at all surprised by 
the nature of the scandals now engulfing the Obama administration like a horde 
of rapidly proliferating and imperialistic Kudzu vines.  The wide scope of some 
of these authoritarian affairs may be surprising but, if one looks in 
retrospect, it's only what can be expected when The State -- any State under 
any flag -- is given carte blanche.

We now hear frequently the official apologists and supporters of these 
nefarious policies, with varying degrees of media support, trying desperately 
to explain that "everything has been done lawfully."

That conjures up several things in my mind.  One of these draws from the 
excellent 2001 film, Conspiracy, which depicts the extraordinarily infamous 
1942 meeting of Nazi honchos at Wannsee, an "elegant" estate on the outskirts 
of Berlin.  There, in the context of totally irrational Hitlerism, with SS 
General Reinhard Heydrich presiding, assisted by Colonel Adolph Eichmann, the 
"Final Solution" to the "Jewish Problem" is calmly created via step by step 
pseudo- rationalistic discussion and pseudo-logical policy formulation. All 
very "properly handled." (See my mini review of Conspiracy in the second half 
of this page:  http://hunterbear.org/reminiscence.htm )

And a personal experience comes to mind.  On December 12, 1962, my wife, Eldri, 
and I and four Black Tougaloo College students of mine, conducted our civil 
rights picket demonstration in Mississippi's capital. This was the formal 
launch of the downtown Jackson economic boycott.  We chose the Woolworth store 
as our basic site.  It was the coldest day of the year and only a few people 
were out and about.

We were arrested very quickly by between 75 and 100 Jackson police.  And the 
formal charge was "obstructing the sidewalk."

Coincidentally, on that same day, a major FBI official, Cartha "Deke" Deloach, 
arrived in Jackson and met with the mayor, Allen C. Thompson.  At their news 
conference, Deloach congratulated the mayor and the police for having handled 
our arrests in a "lawful" fashion via local (Mississippi) law.  The media gave 
his comments wide coverage -- without, of course, indicating the First 
Amendment had been mangled on that cold and relatively empty sidewalk.

(C. Wright Mills covered these kinds of things, "big" and "little," with the 
apt term, "Crackpot Realism.")

But the Mississippi newspaper media also carried, without realizing the 
implications, a front page photo of our arrests -- with Eldri and her picket 
sign at the fore.  The sign read, "Negro Shoppers / Don't Buy on Capitol 
Street."  Couldn't ask for better publicity -- but then we got even more.

The mayor, in a news conference the next day, blasted the now fast developing 
boycott as a "conspiracy to restrain trade" and threatened to sue us all for "a 
million dollars."  That was given very wide and conspicuous coverage in all 
Magnolia media.

And the boycott was off and running, very effectively.  Within a few months it 
had moved into very large-scale nonviolent direct action -- the historic 
Jackson Movement.  Repression was very bloody.  

Federal agents "observed" but didn't comment.

Hunter (Hunter Bear)

St. Francis Abenaki / St. Regis Mohawk 
Member, National Writers Union AFL-CIO
(much social justice material)

For the new and expanded/updated "Organizer's Book," 
JACKSON MISSISSIPPI -- with a new and substantial 
introduction by me. This is the 50th Anniversary
 of the massive Jackson Movement of 1962-63.
This book is a full, very detailed discussion of the rise and
development of that Movement, including its external life
and internal dynamics.  And this book is also an
organizer's how-to manual.

And see the related http://crmvet.org/comm/hunter1.htm 
 ("Militant and Radical Organizer": -- and also "Fifty Years:
Remembering Medgar Evers")
See the Stormy Adoption of an Indian Child [My Father]:
(Many photos.)

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