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*Egypt: Down with the Military Coup d’État! Prepare Mass Resistance!*
/Statement of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency, 8.7.2013, www.thecommunists.net/

1. The Revolution in Egypt faces a new danger! After the heroic mass demonstration of 17 million workers and peasants against the Mursi regime on 30th June, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) has organized a reactionary, pro-Western coup d’état on 3rd July. The popular masses must oppose this conspiracy of the army and organize mass resistance. Only the struggle for a general strike, for a revolutionary Constituent Assembly and ultimately a workers and peasant government based on worker and popular councils and militias offers a way out of the crisis.

Read more at:

Revolutionär-Kommunistischen Organisation zur Befreiung (RKOB)

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