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There are, as yet, fewer posts regarding the Zimmerman verdict than I had 
anticipated. Of course, the verdict stunned me. Many would say that they 
anticipated nothing else, but that is perhaps the function of afterthought 
only. With all the political pressure brought to commence the prosecution and 
the emotions surrounding it a guilty verdict would have been anticipated.  

Various contributors to this list have asserted that the verdict was the result 
of "white supremacy." Others point out that it was an all white jury. Still 
others that it was an all white and all female jury. One adverts to the fact 
that the racial composition in the jurisdiction was 30 % African American or 
minority thus implicitly questioning the number of whites on the jury.

I did not watch the trial on television. I do not know the composition of the 
jury venire summoned to court before the panel of jurors was chosen to be 
examined before being selected as members of the jury. Accordingly, I do not 
know the number or percentage of venire members or panel members from which the 
jurors were selected. 
There has been no information that I am aware of - although it should be 
available - of how many blacks were among the prospective jurors. Since the 
jury in Florida consists of only six jurors rather than twelve the odds of any 
particular minority, gender representation, ethnic identity or social class are 
probably reduced. I only offer this by way of suggesting that the make up of 
the jury was artificially low to reflect a diversity of viewpoints in the 
community. The makeup, in itself however, may not have had anything to do with 
the verdict.  Do not forget the Sweet trials of Detroit in 1924 - 25, with an 
all white jury acquitting of a murder charge. Certainly lawyers in metropolitan 
areas have found all white juries acquitting black defendants of criminal 
charges, certainly  I have. 

>From the evidence referenced in the daily press articles I would suggest that 
>it was going to be difficult to get a guilty verdict - if evidence was the 
>controlling factor.

We know that George Zimmerman got out of his car with the presumption that a 
black man was "suspicious." The very act of getting out of his car with that 
assumption and then accosting Trevon Martin, was in and of itself, a racial 
assault.  The subsequent death of Trevon Martin was a racist action. It is not 
necessary to examine the minutia of thetrial to come to this conclusion. The 
trial is irrelevant to it. The technical guilt or innocence of Zimmerman is 
irrelevant. The act was a racist act, Martin's death a result of racism - 
regardless of any "Stand Your Ground" rule, regardless of self-defense - which 
it could have been.

At issue here is the attitude of contributors to this list. We are given the 
inference that a black jury would have reached a different verdict on the same 
evidence. I don't see any other way to interpret the comments about an all 
white woman jury. Or that a black jury would have been different. 

Do the contributors believe that a defendant must be tried only before a jury 
of members of his own race - white, African American, Asian American, Native 
American juries for white, African American, Asian American, Native American 
defendants? Should we continue with a multi-racial society but segregate all 
jury trials by racial category? Must a direct racial correlation to venue 
racial make-up be mandated for every jury. Must every jury have a quota system? 
The left is stepping into dangerous waters if it approaches this discussion.

How are we to deal with a social phenomenon, racism, in a juridical context? 
One of the ways is through the Voir Dire process, but I don't want to get into 
a whole discussion of the Newton case or Anne Ginger's "Minimizing Racism in 
Jury Trials."  Did the defense attorneys in the Zimmerman case exclude any 
black person from the jury with a eremptory challenge for a challenge for 
cause? The Supreme Court has held that an attorney must show an articulablete 
basis for a challenge of a minority juror if there is a pattern of this in the 
jury selection. What happened in the voir dire in this case?

In other words, what basis is there for the statements made in the postings to 
this list? "Racist jury," "white supremacy," "acquitting one of their own." 
These statements would seem to me to be something of knee jerk reactions. We do 
not need them to be opposed to this killing. We do not need them to demonstrate 
again in the streets that such a killing can happen. We combat every symptom of 
racism we encounter and we renew our protests and efforts in the face of this 
verdict. It is not the jury system that is on trial here. It is the society 

As socialists we seek to clarify the social basis of movements, the social 
causes of actions and the political consequences of positions. Is any one of 
these ends served or furthered by announcing that the verdict was the 
consequence of a racist jury? Especially when the jury may not have been given 
the facts or the legal tools in the way of definitions that would enable it to 
reach a different verdict? Anger without analysis or emotionalism without 
conscious understanding is not our job.

-----Original Message-----
From: Glenn Kissack <gkiss...@nyc.rr.com>
To: Wayne M. Collins <sha...@aol.com>
Sent: Sun, Jul 14, 2013 6:45 pm
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Union Square protests

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> My wife and I were down in Union Square this afternoon to pick up some cheap 

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