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It is remarkable that the writer of this essay could have missed the book "Race 
in Cuba" by Esteban Morales Dominguez, the leading Cuban scholar on race. This 
was published this year by Monthly Review Press. In a few months we will also 
be publishing Gerald Horne's, Race to Revolution: The US and Cuba during 
Slavery and Jim Crow, which delineates the complex relationship between blacks 
in the US and Cuba, and how this relationship helped end Jim Crow and set the 
stage for the Cuban revolution.

It is interesting how, no matter what efforts you make to publicize radical 
books, it is difficult for them to get reviewed, especially in any mainstream 
media. Verso has perhaps gotten around this problem, but only by agreeing to 
have W.W. Norton be its distributor. Hopefully, this won't weaken the radical 
thrust of Verso's publishing endeavors.                                      
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