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You will want to read Part I, II and III for this to make sense. I've been forced to break it up due to a Marxmail censorship bot that doesn't like long posts.

This is the last part

In addition I've not reformatted the text for Marxmail's luddite "text only" policy. If what's below makes no sense becausde block quotes, links, etc. have been lost, complain to Louis. I'll send a copy of my real, original post to anyone who asks for it.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: On the U.S. socialist group Solidarity: Let the dead bury the dead
Date:   Tue, 07 Jan 2014 04:37:34 -0500
From:   Joaquín Bustelo <jbust...@gmail.com>
To: Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition <marxism@greenhouse.economics.utah.edu>

*A new period: depression and Occupy*

We are in a new period. We are finishing the sixth year after the economic downturn that began in late 2007, and we are still in an economic depression. One sixth of those still officially in the labor force are unemployed or underemployed; and if the rate of labor force participation of people of working age had remained constant --in other words, if those who have given up looking for work are included--, the figure would be well over one in five. The "old" jobs that were lost were, about two-thirds of them, better paying than your "average" job. Most "new" jobs pay less than the "average" (meaning "median") wage. Many of these "new" jobs are government-subsidized through food stamps and other "welfare," as well as corporate tax breaks. There is a tremendous decline in government services, at the federal, state and local levels not to mention a complete paralysis in social and economic policy. And the political, intellectual and moral degradation of the United States (Guantanamo concentration camp and torture center, drone assassinations, etc.) is even more breathtaking, though going into that further would take us very far afield.

Two years ago we saw a mass upsurge in response to this situation: the Occupy movement. Bourgeois commentators decried that the movement did not have one or more central demands through which it could be co-opted, diverted into electoral cretinism, or channeled into non-profiteer single-issue-ism. Thus the Obama administration organized a clandestine, coordinated campaign to use petty local ordinances and mass arrests to disorganize and disperse the movement. Given the limitations of the movement and especially of the forces it looked to for leadership, this campaign largely succeeded.

But even in the aftermath of the occupations, "occupy" events could still attract a broad layer of activists -- way, way broader than any socialist group (or even all socialist groups, see for example last June's Left Forum in New York). And AFAIK, no organized socialist group made any gains from Occupy -- on the contrary, people were drawn out of the groups into Occupy. In the case of Solidarity the failure to throw ourselves into Occupy in the way that tens of thousands of other activists did, to me clearly indicated that the organization is moribund, and should not continue on its current basis.

Rather than trying to ape a model from the cold war era with an updated "basis of political agreement," shouldn't we subject the very /idea /of such a document to the same questioning that led to the conclusion that the /content /of the original was outdated.

From the lack of discussion, this /new/ document does not arise from any organic, from below process, convergence, or felt need.

*Values and identities**:**not principles, demands, or program*

So what is it that held "Occupy" together? Not a demand, but an identity and a grievance. The identity was "we are the 99%," the grievance quite simply that the 1% are screwing us over, socially, economically and politically.

If we look back at the great revolutions, we will see that what drove them is something much more akin to what drove occupy.

In the Great French Revolution, it was liberty, equality and fraternity. In Russia it was peace, land and bread. Eleven years ago, in the wake of the attempted coup against President Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, I analyzed in some detail the sentiments that have driven the emergence of revolutionary movements in Latin America -- an analysis that what some call the "pink tide" that has spread in Latin America since then has confirmed.

   I think it is important for Marxists to understand the character of the
   movements through which revolutions arise in Latin America. These
   themselves, typically, neither as movements for workers rule nor as
   movements for national independence, not explicitly, but rather as
   to ennoble or raise up the nation from its current degradation.
   [Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua: revolutionary movements for national

So I would suggest that rather than a programmatic statement, we start thinking in terms of the essential core values or sentiments that IN FACT hold our group together. But I fear that if we do so we may well discover that apart from a vague belief in the need for a socialist organization, there isn't much there. Yes, lip service to some sort of "working class" or "proletarian" orientation -- but I would suggest that this is a merely verbal coincidence that masks no real common understanding.

I believe we are in a political stage of the re-emergence of "class consciousness" --anti-capitalist /political /consciousness/--/ in the United States and other countries, and not just imperialist ones. I think that was the significance of Occupy. Just take a glance:
*Tens of thousands*/**dropped everything else and became full-time occupiers.

/*Thousands */of them were willing to be arrested.

*/Hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions /*came into contact with the encampments, sometimes just for a few hours, others consistently although they did not join full time; and

/*Tens of millions */of people identified with the movement.

All the bullshit talk about the debt crisis was drowned out by alarm over growing inequality --genuine alarm on the part of some in the media, but mostly a reflection of the panic among the rich that they been caught looting the nation and destroying the standard of living of working people.

What does it say that just about all socialist groups were completely marginalized, and in our case, not even able to attract a single new member out of that movement?

These socialist groups are the end product of a long tradition and evolution. They arose from the working class and other social movements that long ago dissipated although their remains continue a zombie-like existence in the form of unions, non-profits and similar. From time to time a spark rekindles these movements but generally the conflagration does not last.

I think the 2010-2012 international wave of occupy-type movements were the symptoms and initial forms of a re-emerging radicalization with a double base working people and the youth, or if you prefer, a single base of working-class youth acting with the sympathy of a significant layer of their older siblings and parents.

***Abandon the past and look to the future*

I think we need to look for new approaches and models that have come out of or arisen with the new experiences of this depression. Leading up to our last convention, I proposed that we invite the Philly Socialists, whom I had run into at the Left Forum. Other comrades in the leadership quite rationally and in keeping with our history and our norms said this issue should go to our Philadelphia comrades, who reported they rarely ran into them and as far as they knew they were a tiny grouplet.

In August I had the privilege of attending the Philly Socialist's second annual leadership retreat. There was one other "older" guest, i.e., someone who was more than half my age. He was 35.

Of the other 25 people in attendance, only one was 31, half my age: everyone else was younger.

This is a group that was started in the summer of 2011, right before occupy. The founders say they started with 3 or 5 members, and 2 years later, they had 125, although "membership" in the Philly socialists is a squishy category. But if, say 20 of the 25 at the retreat were hard core members comparable in commitment and activism --even if not experience-- to the median Soli member, I believe certain that there are at the very least another 10 or 20 or even 30 more comrades who are just as committed and active in the group, who for one reason or another did not make it to the retreat. And there may well be another 20 or more who are somewhat active and committed to the group.

Think about that. This group has gone from, say, five, to a Soli-comparable membership of (I believe) roughly fifty in /two years//./ Or say just to 20, only the ones I could physically verify at their summer school retreat/encampment.

That is not exactly the least successful socialist group in Philly, nor the Northeast, nor the entire country.

Then there's the other part: if they're so successful, why don't we ever see them or hear about them?

*A different way of organizing*

The answer is because their activities and approach to political work is completely different from our own. It resembles more the Black Panther Party and the way that party was built, which wasn't just, or even mainly through newspaper sales, coalition work, and "interventions" at demonstrations. It was through an approach they called "serve the people, body and soul," and embodied especially in their free breakfast for children program -- which the bourgeoisie viewed as such a devastating attack on their political/ideological hegemony that they quickly had their state counter with the breakfast for poor children at public schools program that still exists down to our days.

This may seem like apolitical "do gooder" activity, but it actually harkens back to the very early stages of the development of the socialist movement among working people in the early and mid-1800s, with workers clubs, mutual aid societies and so on.

The first project of the Philly socialist comrades was English classes for immigrants. Which was especially striking to me for a reason:

This is the social layer of our day that looks something like what Lenin and his friends in the Third International understood by the term "proletariat" as applied to the United States. It is the Latino and other immigrant workers and especially the undocumented.

In Atlanta, I /think /know at least one way of what relating to this community looks like. It is through the immigrant-based, immigrant-led Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights, "our" radio station (not technically but in reality), and the rich spectrum of other groups and efforts that have created an entire ecosystem, a movement that exists not just in Atlanta but throughout the southeast region.

But I don't know of any similar grass-roots groups/efforts in Philly or elsewhere outside the Southeast (save for AZ). I may not have come up with the orientation this group of Philly comrades came up with. But I think it speaks very highly of them that with a handful of comrades, this is where they started.

*Conclusion: To thine own self be true*

I've been writing this paper for weeks. That is quite unlike me. I usually write political tracts in one sitting, although often I will rewrite them in a second, and even third sitting. I did this even back in the typewriter days: I would rewrite everything from the top each time I sat down to work.

With computers and the Internet, I had to train myself to not hit the "send" button just as soon as I felt I had finished, but wait until the morning, and give it one last look [I almost always finish what I write at night].

In this case I've written time, and time and time again, and never been seriously tempted to hit the "send" button.

Until now.

I've just come back from the vigil demanding the closing down of the Stewart Immigration Detention Center (said to be the largest in the country and located on the outskirts of the "city" of Lumpkin (pop: 1,145, or 2,741 if you include the prisoners <http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?pid=DEC_10_DP_DPDP1#>)//and// the seat of Stewart County, the poorest county in the state of Georgia. I also went to the School of the Americas Watch activities, held less than an hour north in Columbus. The /majority/ of those present were college age or just a little older; most of the younger attendees were women. I was there as part of the "beyond borders/más allá de las fronteras" program on WRFG (/*R*/adio /*F*/ree /*G*/eorgia), and kept asking people, in that capacity, why they were there.

None of the answers were couched in the sort of language that our basis of political agreement, new or old, deploys. Instead they were in the sort of terms we use to name ourselves, to say who, what and why we are: Solidarity; socialism, feminism, anti-racism; working people organizing to protect themselves and people like them.

My gut tells me we do not need a new "Basis of political agreement" but a new way of thinking about who we are, what we should be, how we should present ourselves. We should be a lot LESS clearly defined than when we first arose as an organization: those splits, fights and fusions came to an end.

A dead end.

The new basis of political agreement, inspired by and required by the obsolescence of the old one, is a mausoleum to our revered past.

By adopting it, we remain forever pallbearers at the burial of the left of the XXth Century, ready to throw ourselves into the freshly-dug grave just as soon as we've laid the casket in its embrace.

Let the dead bury the dead.

There is only one thing a group that has had the arrogance and the audacity to name itself Solidarity should be:

Unbound by the past, fast into the future, forever young.


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