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Predictive? Well, I think it depends what we mean by 'predictive'. Physics is 
predictive in the sense that we can predict the approximate degree of force at 
which a projectile hits a surface if we know its mass and acceleration. In 
Chemistry, we can predict the properties of the next undiscovered or 
unsynthesised member in a homologous series of organic compounds or in the 
Periodic Table, we accurately predicted the properties of elements before they 
were actually discovered. We predicted their existence as well as their 
properties. In Biology, we can predict how a living system will behave if 
subjected to certain constraints, etc, homeostasis, and in Chemistry, Le 
Chatelier, etc

I do not think materialist dialectics is like this - which we find in the 
natural sciences - because in materialist dialectics there are sublated 
elements of fatalism and, of course, scepticism preserved (not absolutely 
annihilated) within dialectical thinking in so far as the latter, fatalism, 
reflects a certain recognition of the general trend of development which a 
formation must necessarily follow once its general principles of development 
have been discovered and the latter, scepticism, the conception that how this 
trend of development will turn out in its concrete particulars and detail 
expression cannot be fully known. So this type of thinking is, in a certain 
sense, both predictive and not predictive at the same time.

We cannot fully know how the unfolding crisis of the capital order will turn 
out in all its detail and particularity but we know that this crisis will 
unfold globally, based on our studies in Marx, Meszaros, etc. Not predictive as 
in the Natural Sciences but nevertheless predictive in a broad dialectical 
conception of the term. This, of course, serves to orientate us in our 
theoretical and practical work i.e. in the intrinsic unity between them. 
'revolutionary practice' [Marx, Theses on Feuerbach]


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