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I hope that you and I are not engaged in a intellectual joust here, to win the 
heart of the silent and elusive lady of the list so to speak, because Iam not 
absolutely confident that I would win. Iam a knackered and bombed out 
ex-schoolteacher and find charging around on horses a bit beyond me these days. 
So, I am not armed with Rocinante and a jousting lance and helmet. 

However, to be as brief as possible, this formal logic business. My previous 
post states very clearly that formal logic is a limiting case of dialectical 
logic in that the former is logically subsumed under the latter. So that even 
when we operate with formal categories we are not precluded from thinking 
For example, in an area I know, Chemistry, the description of the dynamics and 
energetics of precipitation reactions involves the use of formal categories to 
describe an immanently dialectical process. It is adequate for that purpose. A 
Formal logical approach therefore stands as a less precise, less concrete and 
more abstract approach to Nature but that, in itself, does not invalidate it as 
a means of the mathematical underpinning of the design of computers or 
describing chemical reactions. 
But chemical reactions and computers are both inherently dialectical in their 
determinateness.They are not fixed, unchanging forms, etc. For pragmatic 
technological purposes, at the present stage, we can use formal logic to design 
the present generation of computers but will that apply to the nth generation, 

Formal logic can be safely left behind as a method to organise our work as 
communists simply because it remains a limiting case of a higher form of logic 
which has incorporated it. The dynamics of social change and revolution 
actually demand dialectics. Formal logic would cripple us. Hence, there is no 
denial of its scientific legitimacy and validity under certain conditions and 
parameters, but only under specific conditions which involve the formalised 
approximation of the objects of investigation. 
In my opinion, if we win through to socialism, and with later developments, 
dialectics will eventually be incorporated into scientific method and eclipse 
the current forms of positivism and empiricism which rule it. Even now, Nature 
is calling out - in various areas of the natural sciences - for a dialectical 
conception and appreciation of her relations and properties, etc. I dare say 
that you will know some of these areas better than I do. There are still 
Physicists who argue about whether light is a wave or particulate. And they 
answer that whether or not it is either is a function of the experimental 
conditions which we impose. 
We have TV celebrity Physicists here in the UK (e.g., Jim Al Khalili, who has 
relatively recently published a book titled "Paradox") who think paradox is a 
fault in reasoning, a foible in scientific method trying to understand a formal 
world without contradiction and that the contradictions being encountered in 
advanced Maths and Physics do not actually indicate that contradiction is 
indwelling and gives the physical world its movement and energy.  

Formal logic is a the method of reasoning which operates with fixed categories 
which, in the process of cognition, are demarcated off and isolated from each 
other in their abstract identity and ‘externality’ (ausserlich) to each other. 
Hegel analyses formal logical thinking as a necessary but limited form of 
thinking for specific purposes whilst revealing these limitations as 
constituting a form of thinking which makes ‘abstract identity its principle’ 
(Logic, Part 1, Encyclopaedia, p 58). 
Implicit in its approach is the conception of a fixed and static cosmos which 
denies its immanent and eternal contradictoriness. Opposed categories are 
conceptualised as being isolated and walled off from each other so that in 
their difference from each other (distinction) their relation, identity and 
unity is denied. 
Contradiction is conceptualised as an aberrant foible or defect of thinking 
rather than being immanent itself in all forms of being and thinking. We all 
know how Hegel shows how formal logic considers all things through its law of 
‘abstract understanding’ so that the ever-changing cosmos becomes conceptually 
fossilised into fixed abstract notions which deny the vitality and movement of 
this cosmos as a living, developing manifestation of contradiction within it. 
For formal logic, ‘A’ must always be absolutely identical with itself (A=A). 
‘A’ cannot simultaneously be equal to itself and not equal to itself at the 
same time, for this would undeniably imply movement and contradiction. Thus, 
formal logic mechanistically denies contradiction in the external world of 
nature and society. It fails to grasp opposites and distinctions in their 
integral relation and unity with each other; to recognise the necessary and 
inseparable connection between the parts of the whole; to see the transitional 
character of all forms; to understand the dialectical nature of all 
determinations through their inseparable relation to their negative; and to 
understand the movement of the world as a totality and its diverse and 
ever-changing forms as being animated by inner opposition, contradiction and 
the organic relationship and conflicts of opposing forces, tendencies, etc. 

Can we, as revolutionaries, use formal logic over the dialectical to organise 
our political work and activity? In this respect, Aristotelian logic and its 
descendants remain a less adequate tool for revolution. I am not conversant in 
computer science and technology so I will accept your assertion that formal 
mathematical logic is used in the design and development of computing 
technology. But wouldn't a dialectical logic be more fruitful, given certain 
conditions, even in this area? What is "Fuzzy Logic", for example? Here is a 
prediction from an IT philistine like me : it will not be that long before 
computer scientists designing the future generations of computers will come up 
against theoretical and technical limits which compel them to go beyond formal 
logic and enter the sphere of dialectics in order to design more advanced 
computers. The more the technology evolves, the more it will demand dialectical 
solutions to the problems which are will undoubtedly emerge.

Perhaps I should have qualified my rather dismissive "bones and stones" remark 
about formal logic (I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings), but the 
fundamental question has been addressed. If we acknowledge that the world of 
Nature and Man and their interrelation is dialectical, then we have no other 
route to follow, eventually and ultimately, but a heuristic one which 
incorporates dialectical thinkng into the work of the natural sciences and it 
would be a more fruitful approach. I think Badiou would agree with all this. He 
was a student of Hegel and Marx. 
Of course, if we deny dialectics in Nature, then this completely upsets the old 
apple cart and we may proceed as formalistically as we so wish. Thank you for 
your reply. It has helped me to think through these questions. And that is 
dialectics, of course, between and within. 

The final word is yours. If you wish to take it, comrade

best wishes


PS I do subscribe to your conception about 'relevance' and 'novel thought', 
etc, but how do we actually develop that in the unfolding of a revolutionary 
critique i.e. in revolutionary practice? How do we meet the class where it is 
today, with all the historically imposed limits of its organisation and 
consciousness and struggle to move that forward as the structural crisis of 
capital deepens, the rot gets worse, etc. After all, we are all part of this 
class and its movement, are we not? We are all equally responsible in pushing 
this struggle forward. 
'Sir, if you were my husband, I would put poison in your coffee.'  Nancy Astor. 
'Madam, if you were my wife, I would drink it.' Winston Churchill.
Blenheim Palace, 1912


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