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One thing that remains constant between the different Iranian governments if 
their willingness to turn to the fantasist Alfred Lambremont Webre as an expert.
                                                ken h

"Well we now know through the sworn affidavit of an eyewitness whistleblower 
that the CIA had complete knowledge of September 11th, thirty years prior to 
the event in 1971, through a vast quantum access technology. [My research 
shows] that the US government started planning this event in 1971."

* * * * * * * *

PressTV publishes historic quantum access breakthrough in 9/11 research 

PressTV, Iranian National News Service, broadcasts  news that CIA had knowledge 
about 9/11 in 1971, 30 years prior to the event, by virtue of secret quantum 
access technology. Here is the historic interview by Alfred Lambremont Webre


NSA using same paradigm on Congress: Alfred Lambremont Webre

Interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre


Tue Jan 7, 2014 6:5PM
Press TV has conducted an interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, an 
international lawyer, about the National Security Agency (NSA) spying on US 
lawmakers and other elected officials.

What follows is an approximate transcription of the interview.

Press TV: Mr. Webre, what are the ramifications of news coming out of reports 
verifying that the NSA did in fact spy on the Congress and lawmakers?

Webre: Well I think that the ramifications are very deep and the famous 
American journalist Seymour Hersh put it in his view “ the War Party overthrew 
the American government, took it over.”

And to put it in legal terms, what has occurred here is a complete obliteration 
of the balance of powers in vision between the executive, legislative and 
judicial branches in the US Constitution because now the NSA has virtually 
unfettered power because it is spying upon the US Congress.

It is disingenuously stating that it is using only the same paradigm that uses 
on the general public on the Congress and that is it collects everybody’s phone 
data and so of course anyone calling the US Congress, well then the US Congress 
phone numbers would be in there also.

But that is disingenuous because if we go back to when this all started, this 
all started with the Patriot Act which was passed immediately after the false 
flag operation of September 11, 2001 in which the NSA had a key covert role and 
remember that the Patriot Act was drafted prior to the 9/11 of that.
Well we now know through the sworn affidavit of an eyewitness whistleblower 
that the CIA had complete knowledge of September 11th, thirty years prior to 
the event in 1971, through a vast quantum access technology. [My research 
shows] that the US government started planning this event in 1971.

And that is why the Patriot Act was set up, that is why the NSA now has such a 
complete internal spying and that is why the NSA has completely eroded all of 
the separation of powers of the United States completely spying on the 
executive branch, the legislative and the judicial branch and in my opinion 
hiding behind it by attempting to parsing its words by saying, oh, we are just 
spying upon Congress in the same way that we spy upon everybody else.

So the issue is whether there still is a constitutional US government. It is 
ironic that the US federal judge in the US District Court of New York said that 
the US surveillance program was legal because it could prevent another 9/11. 
The irony there is that the NSA had planned 9/11. 


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