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I like Sir Nice [how can you not trust a man with a name like that] I cite
him in

*Syria Sarin Blame Game: Is Carla Del Ponte at it again?

Carla Del Ponte's history of "Out of Court" statements in the service of
> politics
> When Carla Del Ponte was an United Nations’ International Criminal
> Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) prosecutor, she worked very hard
> at showing that all sides to the conflict were equality responsible for war
> crimes:
> She sought that members of all ethnic groups be convicted. That would lead
> to some bogus equalisation of criminal responsibility of all sides in war.
> And that’s a very questionable strategy.
> That is what Sir Geoffrey Nice, a former ICTY prosecutor said in an
> interview for "Dnevni 
> Avaz<http://www.avaz.ba/vijesti/intervju/carla-del-ponte-je-naredila-da-se-ramus-haradinaj-optuzi>"
> according to a translation by Ina 
> Vukic<http://inavukic.com/2012/12/02/croatia-artificial-apportionment-of-criminal-responsibility-the-hideous-legacy-of-carla-del-ponte/>
> .
> This simply was not the reality of this conflict and it led her to push
> through indictments on non-Serbs with little or no evidence. This *"artificial
> apportionment of criminal responsibility"* has been called *"the hideous
> legacy of Carla Del Ponte."* She was responsible for the indictment of
> nine high-ranking non-Serbs that spent cumulatively more than 40 years in
> detention before they were acquitted.
> Sir Nice 
> described<http://inavukic.com/2012/12/02/croatia-artificial-apportionment-of-criminal-responsibility-the-hideous-legacy-of-carla-del-ponte/>how
>  it was in the case of the indictment of Prime Minister of Kosovo Ramus
> Haradinaj, who was later acquitted:
> An experienced lawyer and I wrote to Carla Del Ponte just a few months
> before the issuing of indictment, alerting her that she cannot issue an
> indictment without the consensus of the legal board, which is a kind of a
> test regarding the viability of an indictment based on the amount and
> strength of evidence. This was otherwise the usual practice among lawyers
> of the Prosecution during Louise Arbour’s time, before Carla Del Ponte came.
> We explained to her that testing of the indictment was necessary so that
> the most experienced lawyers could be given the opportunity to comment.
> But, Del Ponte refused. Just as when she abolished the practice of a
> professional board when other indictments were in question
> But as Nice told it,
> Her official power was big. She, as an individual, could bring such
> significant decisions without any consensus from her office.
> So she could issue indictments that proved her political thesis that both
> sides were equally responsible, regardless of the facts, at least until the
> evidence had to be presented in court. This also helped the Serbians, as
> Nice sees it:
> Through various methods Serbia is determined to leave evidence that could
> show equal moral responsibility of Serbia and of other republics of the
> Former Yugoslavia and their people. Such a method wasn’t unsuccessful in
> situations when, for example, publishing of some essential evidence was
> blocked.
> Further, it maintained the indictments which it based and bases either
> upon the lack of evidence or on that such evidence does not exist at all.
> These indictments surfaced even as a part of ICTY working material and you
> can find them in Mrs Del Ponte’s book. Perhaps their fingers could even be
> found behind decisions about who is to be indicted and brought before the
> court.

Clay Claiborne, Director
Vietnam: American Holocaust <http://VietnamAmericanHolocaust.com>
Linux Beach Productions
Venice, CA 90291
(310) 581-1536

Read my blogs at the Linux Beach <http://claysbeach.blogspot.com/>

On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 2:33 PM, Andrew Pollack <acpolla...@gmail.com>wrote:

> ======================================================================
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ======================================================================
> See link at bottom.
> One of the co-authors of the report is Geoffrey Nice, former lead
> prosecutor of Milosevic. I did a quick google to see what folks here said
> about his role there, couldn't find much (I'm multi-tasking so didn't have
> time for an extensive search).
> But anyway I thought it would be good for folks on this list who follow
> such things to weigh in on what this might mean.
> The Assadistas (including those on this list) will of course say that every
> word in the report is a lie. The more rabid among them will say all 11,000
> were killed by rebels (you think I'm kidding? Just wait.).
> But I figured we should have our ducks in a row, as we did, thanks to folks
> like Clay, around the chemical weapons.
> http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jan/20/evidence-industrial-scale-killing-syria-war-crimes
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