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At 07:17 19-01-14 -0800, Clay Claiborne wrote:
>It seems that the connections between the baathists and the jihadists just
>keep growing.

That is further supported by the interesting piece below which I received
on an anarchist list. Now in the last day, al-Baghdadi, apparently smarting
from ISIS's recent defeats (by non-Jihadist revolutionaries) has emphasized
fighting the regime after all, though I'd hardly trust that change of tone
coming at this late date (judge for yourself):


The links at the bottom of the following article don't seem to work right,
but I believe most of that material can be found in the mainly Czech
language Class War site under

- Jeff

Since nearly three years that an uprising broke out in Syria (as a local 
materialization of the upheavals shaking the whole regions of Maghreb and 
Mashreq) most of the reactions, comments and critics from militant 
structures which claim to be revolutionary, internationalist, communist, 
anarchist… go in the same direction: doubts about what happens, doubts about 
essential material determinations that give birth to the movements that 
develop in front of our eyes, doubts about the class nature of these events, 
doubts about the potentially subversive content of struggles of our class 
when it doesn’t wave the “good” flags, etc. ---- Those doubts have been 
strengthened since the conflict turned into “militarization of the 
revolution” (as many say) and hijacking of our movement by “opposition 
democratic forces” and several trends of jihadists, Salafis and other 
Islamists. But as a militant from Palestine expressed:

“So yes, the Syrian Revolution was indeed hijacked, and we know that there 
are many Salafis, many jihadists and many other groups, and many pro-America 
and pro-imperialist groups that tried to hijack the Syrian Revolution. But 
that does not by any means tarnish the Syrian Revolution, and it also 
doesn’t mean that just because a revolutionary movement was hijacked that we 
should stand on the sidelines and stop supporting it. Of course there are 
still so many revolutionaries working on the ground [...] and there are even 
many non-sectarian armed brigades that we cannot ignore. If the revolution 
was hijacked we don’t just go and start blaming the people for it being 
hijacked. We actually do everything to side with the people in order to get 
the revolution back on the right track. And this is what many leftists 
couldn’t under-stand.” (1)

No revolution in class struggles’ turbulent and violent history ever started 
with “the good flag”, with “the correct mottos”, with a preestablished and 
clear “consciousness” of goals and perspectives. All the practical and 
programmatic advances were built up in painful confrontation with the 
counterrevolution organized as a strong force.

As we already touched on in our previous leaflets about the struggles in 
Syria (2), as soon as the government forces are driven away from a city or a 
region, as capitalism loathes vacuum, new forces, new parties and unions 
settle to manage the situation and to avoid that it goes off a strict 
reformist framework. Among these institutions we firstly find various 
Islamist groups which take in charge the repression against militant 
structures set up by the movement of struggle. Checks in the streets, 
arrests, imprisonments, tortures and summary executions of militants, severe 
sentences by “Islamic courts”, implementation of Sharia law, repression of 
daily demonstrations against these “new masters”; since Spring 2013 
proletarians living in “liberated areas” have been pointing the finger at 
these Islamist enemies and denounce them just as badly off as the thugs of 
Baath regime. Among these jihadist groups one of the most virulent and hated 
by the whole population is the group which claims to be the “Islamic State 
of Iraq and Sham” (ISIS) affiliated to the international network Al-Qaeda.

As a result of series of very harsh blows against structures of the movement 
(like the assault on December 28th, 2013 against militants in the town of 
Kafranbel – generally known as the “conscience of the revolution” in the 
light of the important propaganda activity developed there) many 
proletarians massively took to the streets last Friday January 3rd, 2014 in 
the provinces of Aleppo, Idlib, Raqqa (in the north and northeast of the 
country) to express their contempt for ISIS. The movement even escalated and 
occurred in regions where ISIS has limited presence (such as Damascus 
suburbs and Deraa in the south of the country). Repression was obviously 
fierce: ISIS militiamen countered assaults of proletarians against their 
various headquarters while shooting at the angry crowd. The protest movement 
has developed during all the next week and militants called for a “Day of 
Rage” on Friday January 10th against both Al-Qaeda in Syria and the regime.

In the process of the street protests several “rebel brigades” also took a 
stand, some while probably defending the interests of the movement, others 
while once again trying to use it in order to defend and promote their own 
interests to conquer the State power on the ruins of Baath regime.

“On the military front a full scale war is also being waged against ISIS. On 
3 January groups affiliated to the Free Syrian Army as well as the newly 
formed Islamic Front and Jaysh Al Mujahidiin started to engage in fierce 
battles with ISIS, driving out the group from many strongholds in the north, 
and capturing a large number of ISIS fighters. As of 7 January, twitter 
reports from activists suggested that ISIS had been driven out of 10 
locations in Aleppo, 6 locations in Idlib, 3 in Deir Al Zour and 1 in Hama. 
Some areas liberated from ISIS, such as Manbej and Binnish have been 
subjected to fierce shelling by the Assad regime following rebel takeover, 
leading in the case of Binnish to ISIS being able to retake the town and 
increasing speculation of military coordination between ISIS and the regime. 
ISIS has shown it is not leaving without a fight, committing a massacre 
against FSA troops in Rastan. On 6 January ISIS executed 50 prisoners it was 
holding in detention in Aleppo including women and activists as well as 
executing detainees in Harem, Idlib before pulling out of the area. There 
are also concerns that ISIS withdrawal from some areas, whilst bringing in 
reinforcements from elsewhere, may be indicative that they are now preparing 
a counteroffensive.” (3)

Indeed the fact that the government air force bombed areas liberated from 
the influence of ISIS only strengthens and confirms rumors going around 
since months that the Baath regime would be hand in glove with this “Islamic 
State” and other Islamist groups:

“(…) when the regime has carried out onslaughts against Raqqa and Aleppo, 
its attacks have been on civilian (mainly working class) neighbourhoods and 
not on ISIS positions or headquarters. The ISIS headquarters in Al Raqqa are 
stationed in the largest building in the city so they are not difficult to 
miss, but instead regime airstrikes target schools killing students. ISIS 
has acted as a scapegoat for the regime’s attack on a popular uprising. 
Assad’s prisons are full of secular, civilian, non-violent activists whilst 
Al Qaeda affiliated prisoners were released in the early days of the 
revolution.” (Idem)

The task of the revolutionaries, the communists, who have absolutely no 
different interest than other proletarians, is always to put forward the 
activities in rupture with the present state of things, to act so that the 
movement of struggle of our class pushes always more in clarifying its 
objectives and perspectives. We have nothing to expect from an alliance with 
any faction that defends the global interests of capitalism organized as a 
State. And in this sense we can only quote once again this Syrian militant 
on the movement armament issue and the illusions some proletarians can have:

“It is likely that most fighters are drawn to the Islamic Front because it 
has access to the military assistance and foreign support that has been 
denied to the Free Syrian Army rather than shared ideology. Undoubtedly, the 
formation of the Islamic Front and unification of large and powerful 
military brigades can bring about a military advantage in the fight against 
Assad. But winning the battle against the regime (and Al Qaeda) is not the 
same as achieving the goals of the revolution.” (idem)

One of the great lessons that our movement of subversion of this world drew 
from the confrontation between revolution and counterrevolution in Spain 
during the years 1936-37 is precisely that while allying with a “lesser 
evil” (a more progressive faction of the bourgeoisie, a “popular front”) we 
don’t speed up the defense of our class interests but on the contrary we 
take part to the defeat of revolution and its crushing.

Anyway we can only once again greet the proletarians in struggle who, far 
from submitting to the diktats of their new rulers, continue the struggle 
despite the quasi-generalized ignorance from the rest of the world. This new 
development in the dynamics of struggle is what this Syrian militant 
describes on her blog as “revolution within the revolution”. (Idem)

Trídní válka

January 2014

1. Palestine and the Syrian Revolution 
2. Again and again more Blood-Baath in Syria 
Airstrikes Threat On Syria! Third World War? No War But The Class War! 
3. ‘Revolution within the revolution’: The battle against ISIS 

Related Link: https://www.autistici.org/tridnivalka/

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