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*US secretly backs rebels to fight al Qaeda in Syria*
Sources tell Telegraph that America is backing ‘friendly’ rebels with
millions in cash and non lethal aid to take on extremists in Syria


The United States and Gulf countries have been secretly backing efforts by
opposition rebels to destroy al-Qaeda’s most extreme wing in Syria,
diplomats and rebels involved in the plan have told The Telegraph.

As Western leaders publicly push the Syrian regime and the opposition to
the Geneva II peace conference that begins Wednesday Washington has also
been quietly supporting moves by Saudi Arabia and Qatar to give weapons and
cash to rebel groups to fight al-Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shams
(ISIS) in Syria.

One source said the US was itself handing out millions of dollars to rebel
groups best equipped to take on the extremists while another confirmed
America was providing non-lethal aid.

The development marks a new phase in the conflict, with international
backers working directly with rebel commanders to target al-Qaeda cells,
who are seen as a major threat by Western intelligence agencies.

“Everyone is offering us funding to fight them,” said one commander in a
rebel group affiliated to the Western-backed Supreme Military Council. “We
used to have no weapons with which to fight the regime, but now the stocks
are full.”

Clay Claiborne, Director
Vietnam: American Holocaust <http://VietnamAmericanHolocaust.com>
Linux Beach Productions
Venice, CA 90291
(310) 581-1536

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