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(Ambrose Evans-Pritchard of The Telegraph in Britain has been nervously 
tracking the precarious state of the world economy and decrying the economic 
orthodoxy of central bankers and politicians since the onset of the financial 
crisis in 2008. The epicentre of the barely-contained crisis has moved from the 
US to Europe and now into the emerging markets and again threatens to 
precipitate a global depression.) 

World risks deflationary shock as BRICS puncture credit bubbles
As matters stand, the next recession will push the Western economic system over 
the edge into deflation
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
The Telegraph
January 29 2014

Half the world economy is one accident away from a deflation trap. The 
International Monetary Fund says the probability may now be as high as 20pc.
It is a remarkable state of affairs that the G2 monetary superpowers - the US 
and China - should both be tightening into such a 20pc risk, though no doubt 
they have concluded that asset bubbles are becoming an even bigger danger.

"We need to be extremely vigilant," said the IMF's Christine Lagarde in Davos. 
"The deflation risk is what would occur if there was a shock to those economies 
now at low inflation rates, way below target. I don't think anyone can dispute 
that in the eurozone, inflation is way below target."

It is not hard to imagine what that shock might be. It is already before us as 
Turkey, India and South Africa all slam on the brakes, forced to defend their 
currencies as global liquidity drains away.

The World Bank warns in its latest report - Capital Flows and Risks in 
Developing Countries - that the withdrawal of stimulus by the US Federal 
Reserve could throw a "curve ball" at the international system.

"If market reactions to tapering are precipitous, developing countries could 
see flows decline by as much as 80pc for several months," it said. A quarter of 
these economies risk a sudden stop. "While this adjustment might be 
short-lived, it is likely to inflict serious stresses, potentially heightening 
crisis risks."

The report said they may need capital controls to navigate the storm - or 
technically to overcome the "Impossible Trinity" of monetary autonomy, a stable 
exchange rate and free flows of funds. William Browder from Hermitage says that 
is exactly where the crisis is leading, and it will be sobering for investors 
to learn that their money is locked up - already the case in Cyprus, and 
starting in Egypt. The chain-reaction becomes self-fulfilling. "People will 
start asking themselves which country is next," he said.

Emerging markets are now half the global economy, so we are in uncharted 
waters. Roughly $4 trillion of foreign funds swept into emerging markets after 
the Lehman crisis, much of it by then "momentum money" late to the party. The 
IMF says $470bn is directly linked to money printing by the Fed . "We don't 
know how much of this is going to come out again, or how quickly," said an 
official from the Fund.

One country after another is now having to tighten into weakness. The longer 
this goes on, and the wider it spreads, the greater the risk that it will 
metamorphose into a global deflationary shock.

Turkey's central bank took drastic steps on Tuesday night to halt capital 
flight, doubling its repurchase rate from 4.5pc to 10pc. This will bring the 
economy to a standstill in short order, and may ultimately prove as futile as 
Britain's ideological defence of the ERM in September 1992.

South Africa raised rates on Wednesday by half a point to 5.5pc to defend the 
rand, and India raised a quarter-point to 8pc on Tuesday, all forced to grit 
their teeth as growth fizzles. Brazil and Indonesia have already been through 
this for months to stem a currency slide that risks turning malign at any 

Others are in better shape - mostly because their current accounts are in 
surplus - but even they are losing room for manoeuvre. Chile and Peru need to 
cut rates to counter the metals slump, but dare not risk it in this unforgiving 

Russia has a foot in recession but cannot take action to kickstart growth as 
the ruble falls to a record low against the euro. The central bank is burning 
reserves at a rate of $400m a day to defend the currency, de facto tightening. 
As for Ukraine, Argentina and Thailand, they are already spinning out of 

China is marching to its own tune with a closed capital account and reserves of 
$3.8 trillion, but it too is sending a powerful deflationary impulse worldwide. 
Last year it added $5 trillion in new plant and fixed investment - as much as 
the US and Europe combined - flooding the global economy with yet more excess 

Markets have a touching faith that the same Politburo responsible for a 
spectacular credit bubble worth $24 trillion - one and a half times larger than 
the US banking system - will now manage to deflate it gently with a skill that 
eluded the Fed in 1928, the Bank of Japan in 1990 and the Bank of England in 

Manoj Pradhan, from Morgan Stanley, says that China's central bank is trying to 
deleverage and raise rates at the same time, which "amplifies risks to growth". 
This is a heroic undertaking, like surgery without anaesthetic. It is the exact 
opposite of what the Fed did after 2008 when QE helped cushion the shock. 
Morgan Stanley says that 45pc of all private credit in China must be refinanced 
over the next 12 months, so fasten your seatbelts.

Moreover, China is struggling to keep its industries humming at the current 
exchange rate. Patrick Artus, from Natixis, says surging wages - and falling 
productivity - mean that it now costs 10pc more to produce the Airbus A320 in 
Tianjing than it does in Toulouse.

The implications are obvious. China may at some stage try to steer down the 
yuan to hold on to market share, whatever they say in the US Congress, partly 
to stop Japan stealing a march with its 30pc devaluation under Abenomics. 
Albert Edwards from Societe Generale say this may prove the ultimate 
deflationary shock, dwarfing the 1998 Asia crisis.

Europe has let its defences collapse behind a Maginot Line of orthodox monetary 
policy. Eurostat data show that Italy, Spain, Holland, Portugal, Greece, 
Estonia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Latvia, as well as euro-pegged Denmark, Hungary, 
Bulgaria and Lithuania have all been in outright deflation since May, once tax 
rises are stripped out. Underlying prices have been dropping in Poland and the 
Czech Republic since July, and France since August.

Eurozone M3 money growth has been negative for eight months, contracting at a 
rate of 1.1pc over the past quarter. Bank credit to the private sector has 
fallen by €155bn in three months, according to the latest data from the 
European Central Bank.

The ECB's Mario Draghi talked up the need for a "safety margin" against 
deflation before Christmas but now seems strangely passive, as if beaten into 
submission by the Bundesbank. I heard him twice in Davos repeating - woodenly, 
without conviction - that core inflation is merely back to where it was in 1999 
after the Asian crisis and in 2009 after the Lehman crisis, and therefore 

We are not in remotely comparable circumstances. Those two events were at the 
outset of a new credit cycle. Right now we are nearly five years into an old 
cycle - already long in the tooth - and 80pc of the global economy is 
tightening or cutting stimulus. As matters stand, the next recession will push 
the Western economic system over the edge into deflation.

The US has a slightly bigger buffer, but not much. Growth of M2 money has been 
slowing even faster than it did in the nine months before the Lehman crash in 
2008, but then the Fed no longer pays any attention to such data so it may all 
too easily repeat the mistake. The Fed is surely courting fate with $10bn of 
bond tapering each meeting into the teeth of incipient deflation, as 
Minneapolis Fed chief Narayana Kocherlakota keeps warning.

Those who think deflation is harmless should listen to the Bank of Japan's 
Haruhiko Kuroda, who has lived through 15 years of falling prices. Corporate 
profits dried up. Investment in technology atrophied. Innovation fizzled out. 
"It created a very negative mindset in Japan," he said.

Japan had the highest real interest rates in the rich world, leading to a 
compound interest spiral as the debt burden rose on a base of shrinking nominal 

Any such outcome in Europe would send Club Med debt trajectories through the 
roof. It would doom all hope of halting Europe's economic decline or reducing 
mass unemployment before the democracies of the afflicted countries go into 
seizure. So why are they letting it happen?

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