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Louis Proyect said:

Here's Ramzy Baroud on this stuff:


Ken Hiebert replies:
I read the piece by Ramzy Baroud.  I don't think there is much disagreement.  
In his account as well, Israel did favour the Muslim Brotherhood at some point.
"Israel's curious attitude could be explained as part of its policy of reward 
and punishment. Since the Islamists had - at that particular time - renounced 
armed struggle, and were providing services, which spared the Israeli budget 
many millions, there seemed little need to discontinue what at the time may 
have seemed innocuous activities. But more importantly, Israel was wary of the 
augmentation of PLO institutions abroad and growing influence on Palestinian 
societies in the occupied territories. 

More, the growing bitterness between other liberation movements in Gaza and the 
Islamic movement, led by Sheikh Ahmad Yassin gave Israel hope that growing 
hostilities would result in the pacifying and paralysis of all respective 
groups, sparing Israel the rigorous task of reining them in. One could argue 
that any Israeli interference to halt the growth and evolvement of the Islamic 
movement in Gaza, in that period, would have merely sped up its radicalization, 
as opposed to annihilating it altogether."

And I agree with him when he says, "This notion - that Hamas is the brainchild 
of Israel - is simply incorrect." 
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