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Louis wrote: "
I have been appalled by some of the wildly inaccurate information that is
floating about. Jose Tirado, a FB friend, who is part of "The UkrainoNazis
are coming, hide the silverware" crowd, posted an item that has been
floating about that states among other things that a bill had been passed
that bans the speaking of languages other than Ukrainian. "4199- Bill to
repeal the use of their native language by minorities, which refers to
Russian, Romanian, Hungarian, and Greek."

"Now who in their right mind would believe that such a law could be passed?
It turns out that the bill only stated that regions would no longer have
the right to make Russian an official language after Ukrainian. Leaving
aside the wisdom of such a measure, how does that translate into banning
Russians from speaking Russian?"

This is a straw man argument Louis. A few westerners and defenders of the
Russian gov't might say that but the Bill is a straight up attack on
democratic rights in Ukraine. Looking at what you wrote Louis, it looks
like the typical 'defend the new gov't at any cost' by your *downplaying*
the political significance of this Bill. I'ts a chauvinist racist Bill and
should be opposed by all Ukrainians regardless of their language preference.

Additionally, it's provides ammunition to Putin and the pro-Russian segment
of the population to see Ukraine's new pro-Imperialist gov't as a threat to
their rights and thus provides an excuse for the Russians to divide Ukraine
(though it's only limited to Crimea at this point).

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