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Dr. Leupp,
I just took a look at your Counterpunch article about the looming threat
of fascism in the Ukraine. From what I can gather, you see something
analogous to Hitler's election in 1932. I should add that I have only
seen 25 articles like this already and wonder why people feel compelled
to write the same thing over and over, usually drawing from the same
Have you ever read any Leon Trotsky? You might find it beneficial. His
analysis of fascism is grounded in an analysis of capitalism and the
workers movement. Hitler's agenda was to crush the trade unions and a
powerful left, made up of the CP and an SP that was pretty far to the
left despite its role in the murder of Rosa Luxemburg.
What exactly is the target of Svoboda? A miniscule left that is mostly
made up of pro-Euromaidan anarchists and the pro-Putin CP that got about
the same number of votes percentage-wise in the last election that Ralph
Nader got in 2000? I doubt that anybody considers them a threat to
private property.
Or are the fascists a threat to the eastern portion of the country? Do
you really think that Svoboda et al are going to pour across the borders
and begin smashing up trade union offices, etc? I will bet you a hundred
dollars that this does not happen now or in the future.
Or maybe you have the same mindset as the CPUSA that sees fascism
looking on the horizon in the USA for as long as I have been involved
with the left. Whether it is the John Birch Society or the Tea Party,
they cry out from the rooftops: "Hide the silverware, the fascists are
Some leftists are insistent that a united front of the EU, NATO, the
White House, George Soros, Nicholas Kristof, Jared Leto and the
Ukrainian fascists are determined to batter down the obstacles to
imperialist penetration of Russia starting with the Ukraine. I really
have to wonder if they have the slightest inkling as to the mode of
production that exists in Russia. It is the third largest recipient of
Foreign Direct Investment in the world, after the USA and China. Why use
fascists as a battering ram when the doors are wide open?
Have a nice day,
Louis Proyect
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