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Crimean Tatars most definitely don't want to be part of Russia. And as Clay
documents the wishes of the rest of the population must be viewed in the
context of Hitler's march into the Sudetenland parallel.
Where was the movement for Crimean affiliation to Russia before?
I admit I haven't seen an explanation for why Russia gave Crimea to Ukraine
But the wishes of the indigenous Tatars -- and the latter's desire for
unity in Ukraine -- come first!

On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 12:32 PM, Clay Claiborne <clayc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ======================================================================
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ======================================================================
> On 03/12/2014 07:34 AM, DW wrote:
> >  In 1992 when Ukrainians voted
> > for independence from the USSR/Russia it passed in the 80 percentiles
> > everywhere in Ukraine, including the east AND Crimea. Conditions change
> > obviously, and can do so overnight.
> Foreign troops can invade overnight,
> > No one on this list doubts that most of the population in Crimea wants to
> > split from Ukraine
> Let me speak up and say I do. I do know that Russia has taken complete
> control of Crimea. All Crimea & Ukrainian broadcast outlets (20) save one
> Crimea Tatar (Russia is on a charm offensive among Crimea Tatars, NOW. No
> one Russia doesn't want in Crimea can't cross the border, which is being
> heavily guarded, You can only fly to Crimea from Russia now. The peninsula
> is being heavily propagandized by pro-Russian views only. Pro-Ukraine
> reporters and news outlets have been attacked and beaten by Pro-Russia
> thugs, same is true about any pro-Ukraine protesters with the courage to
> come out under these circumstances. Russian forces have taken over most
> government institutions. There have been reports that many of the
> pro-Russia demonstrator are paid or imported and we have know way of
> knowing to what extend that is true. The up coming vote doesn't even allow
> for a vote to stay with Ukraine, its a rigged vote with the choices being
> "yes, now" and "yes, later", "no" isn't an option.  Most importantly, given
> the facts on the ground and the response of Ukraine and international
> community, it seems pretty certain that Russia will control Crimea with an
> iron hand going forward, many who oppose the Russian takeover can be
> expected to remain silent or even fledge support out of a sense of self
> preservation.
> Given these facts, and especially given your revelation that previously
> 80% of Crimea wanted independence from Russia, I have many doubts about
> what the population of Crimea wants.
> > The same situation in Kosovo where,
> Wasn't ethnic cleansing going on in Kosovo at the time? Didn't the
> Yugoslavian army attack Kosovo Albanian villages? Weren't there about 15
> massacres of Albanians by Serbs? Nothing like that has happened in
> Crimea so in what world can in be regarded as "the same situation"?
> >  The idiocy of the current Kiev gov't in passing a serious of
> > undemocratic laws, the most important one of which was the return to the
> > post-Orange Revolution that eliminated Russian (and other languages) as
> > "official" languages, though quickly vetoed by the interim-President, is
> > what Russians in the east of their country remember.
> Hadn't Russian been an official language in Ukraine since August 2012 or
> about 17 months before repeal was attempted? I am not supporting its
> repeal, just pointing out a context that rarely gets mentioned.
> Clay
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