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Amy @ DN is doing fracking again today. It seems that fracking is a caus
celeb for the Left, or maybe I'm just bitter because it gets more attention
than children being murdered in Syria. RT is also very big on protesting

So one day I Google fracking + russia, and this is what I summarize in
about 15 min. Russia is far behind US,UK and Canada on fracking technology.
Russia's shale is not as easily frackable. Russia is discussing a joint
venture with Shell to develop fracking in Russia.

So Russia has good economic reasons for opposing fracking NOW! I wonder how
much its, shall we say "influence" in the Left is responsible for this
relatively robust anti-fracking movement?

I also wonder how they react as Russia brings fracking on-line in the
coming decade and changes its tune.

Clay Claiborne, Director
Vietnam: American Holocaust <http://VietnamAmericanHolocaust.com>
Linux Beach Productions
Venice, CA 90291
(310) 581-1536

Read my blogs at the Linux Beach <http://claysbeach.blogspot.com/>
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