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For the last decade, the left has struggled against the murderous idiocies of the War on Terror. Guantanamo. Iraq. Weddings drone-bombed in the name of “freedom”. When Syrian activists and the Free Syrian Army began asking for weapons and no-fly zones in what actually was a fight for freedom, the Western left mostly looked away.

Some even painted the opposition as CIA shills. More than a year after the revolution started, President Obama doled out bits of aid to the opposition – MRE’s, night-vision goggles, a few dozen fighters trained in Jordan. But the left, which had ignored the substantial support Assad was receiving from Russia, Iran and Hezbollah, declared these token gestures proof of the opposition’s service to American empire. Assad, an eager participant in George W Bush’s illegal renditions, was twisted into a figure of resistance.

During the Bush administration, Amal Hanano had marched against the Iraq War. During the Syrian War, she felt betrayed by her former comrades. Amal went to a MoveOn.org candlelight vigil for Syria last August:

They were chanting to ‘stop the war in Syria’ and were shocked when I asked them where they were for the past two and a half years, while a war was being waged on the Syrian people. ... The anti-war movement in America did not care about Syria; they only cared about their ideological anti-government positions.

The left did not see Syria. We saw Afghanistan and Iraq.

full: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/mar/14/syria-war-3-years-dead-faces-activist-voices

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