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Mike Church | SIRIUS Talk Show: News, History & Opinion For The Liberty-Minded
March 13, 2014

Srdja Trifkovic - Everything You Wanted To Know About Putin And Crimea But Were Afraid To Ask, Part I [Transcript]

Mike Church: So Putin [...] is being made out to be the baddest of all bad guys in the history of bad guys, but he seems to at least have a firmer grasp on the history of these events than anyone in our country does, don't you think?

Srdja Trifkovic: Absolutely. Also, let's face it, some of his policies that are very vocally criticized in the Western world, for instance, concerning the legislation of homosexuality, is certainly something that would resonate with many American conservatives. In other words, he is not persecuting the gays, far from that. He has introduced legislation that bans propagation of gay lifestyle to minors. American parents who are faced with what amounts to equalization of homosexual lifestyle with heterosexual one would probably find it highly desirable. Likewise, in the Western world, which is reverting to some kind of post-Christian Godlessness, to insist on the Christian rooting of one's identity, as Putin does, and giving the Russian Orthodox Church a special place in society would also resonate with those of us who remember that the founding fathers certainly found in the scriptures the inspiration to such an extent that in fact in the Bill of Rights religious freedom comes before the freedom of speech.

The attempt to legislate human rights in accordance with post-modern criteria of the State is the problem. That means that if the State, with its highly-volatile principles of what constitutes human rights, steps in, then you have federal judges overturning the majority of citizens of the most conservative states in the union. What we are witnessing is in fact the denial of human rights for the silent majority of those who subscribe to traditional moral code and traditional lifestyles, in favor of highly-voluntaristic, post-modern concepts that have nothing to do with the human rights traditionally understood.

Mike:  Very well said.  Now, Srdja, where are you calling us from today?

Trifkovic: From Belgrade. We arrived from Switzerland last night and I'm leaving for Moscow and then Crimea on Friday, where I will be an observer at the referendum on Sunday.

Mike: You say you're going to be an observer. I am, of course, joking when I say, did the United Nations send you? Are you going to monitor?

Trifkovic: Well, in fact, the local government of Crimea has invited me and a number of other foreigners who take an active interest in Ukrainian and Russian and Crimean affairs because, of course, there will be the standard cries of illegality from the United States when it comes to the Crimean referendum, even though they didn't raise any such heckles when Kosovo separated from Serbia, or for that matter when various Soviet republics separated from the Soviet Union in 1991. We are looking at the situation which is legally quite clear. The Ukrainian Parliament acted illegally and unconstitutionally in impeaching Yanukovych.
Sense News Agency
THE HAGUE | 03.02.2013

-Next Week at the Tribunal-

[...] After [Gen. Dragomir] Milosevic completes his evidence, Karadzic will call controversial Serbian-American historian Srdja Trifkovic. Trifkovic used to be the unofficial spokesperson of the Pale leadership. Trifkovic has already testified in the defense of Milomir Stakic and Ljubisa Beara. It is interesting to note that at the Stakic trial, Judge Schomburg distanced himself from 'religious intolerance' Dr Trifkovic had demonstrated before the Tribunal. In Judge Schomburg's words, he 'will not attribute [Trifkovic's attitudes] to the accused'.

Sense News Agency
THE HAGUE | 06.02.2013

The witness's obsession with Islam is, in the prosecutor's view, another issue important for the evaluation of his credibility and potential bias. A series of Trifkovic's texts as well as audio and video recordings of his public appearances were shown in court. In them Trifkovic labeled Islam a 'psychosis' and called for the introduction of measures that would not only prevent Muslims from moving to Western countries but would result in their deportation to their countries of origin. Trifkovic said that his words were taken out of context but didn't deny or 'contextualize' them.

Srdja Trifkovic is the director of the Center for International Affairs at the Rockford Institute, and has been portrayed in public as 'paleo-conservative' and racist.

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