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“As far as we know, some incidents in Kiev against Jews were done, not by people on Maidan or the parties that fought Maidan, but by Russian forces,” said Max Yakover, a Kiev resident deeply involved in the Euromaiden protest movement that toppled president Viktor Yanukovych last month.

Yakover said Jews are targeted because the attacks garner wider attention.

“I think it’s because every little incident with the Jews or anti-Semitism becomes publicized, not only in Ukraine, but worldwide. If something happens to a Jew, the whole world will know about it in one day, through Facebook, other social media, or Jews who work in media,” said Yakover, a 31-year-old entrepreneur.

“Just a little incident and the whole world will speak about how something has to be done,” Yakover said.

His assessment is consensus among many Ukrainian Jews.

“There haven’t been any anti-Semitic attacks, not from Ukraine nationalists,” Rabbi Yaakov Dov Bleich told The Times of Israel Thursday while with the new Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk on a quick trip to the United States.

full: http://www.timesofisrael.com/will-ukraines-real-anti-semite-please-stand-up/

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