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The key quote:

"The Donetsk protesters based their call for independence from Kiev on
charges that the post-Yanukovych government was serving western interests
and ruining the economy. 'Now the economic problems are only starting, and
more people will come here,' Alexander [an unemployed Donetsk resident]
said. 'They need to put their energy towards something. That's why I'm for
federalisation and a referendum.'"

Nonsense, of course (although the jobless man quoted may really believe
it), as "federalisation" will do nothing to free Ukrainian or Russian
workers on either side of the border from austerity, whether imposed by the
EU/IMF or Moscow.

Clearly what is needed is a revival of the Moscow antiwar protests with an
explicitly articulated anti-oligarch message, and with support demos in
Kiev, Donetsk, New York, etc. etc.

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